We have the pleasure to announce, that, in a letter
dated the 18; h instant, and addressed to George Goodman, Esq., Sir William Moles.. worth expresses entire satisfaction with the report which Mr. Woll- combe has made to him on the prospect of success fur two Liberal candidates in the borough of Leeds. This report was not made until after a thorough scrutiny both of the names on the requisition recently presented to the honourable baronet and of the list of voters. Sir William .Molesworth also states, that he intends shortly to issue art address to the electors of Leeds, declaring himself a candidate for their suffrages at the next general election. —Leeds Mercury.
Mr. Howard Elphinstone is desired to stand for Liverpool by a con- siderable number of the men of leading influence. He consents to do so, provided a requisition is signed by a sufficient proportion of the electoral body to promise success; and we understand there will be no difficulty in furnishing such a requisition.—Globe.
It is whispered that a scion of the noble house of Wortley is to be one of the future Representatives of Ripon after the next dissolution of Parliament.— York Herald.
The Tory candidate for Sheffield is to be Mr. John Thornely, of Dodworth Green, near Barnsley. Ile has not the slightest chance against the Reform party, if the latter be thoroughly united.
The South Devon Tories are, it appears, tired of Mr. Montague Parker, the able Representative for whom they rejected Lord John Russell. Lord Coertenay, the eldest sun of the Earl of Devon, is now their selected object.—Globe.
The Wolverhampton Tories having propagated a rumour that Mr. Villiers did not intend coining forward again, he has addressed the elec- tors, declaring it " a falsehood, without a pretence." Mr. Thurnely, his colleague, has adopted the same course, and pledges himself, when- ever a dissolution takes place, to present himself again for their suf- frages.
The Chester Tories mean to oppose Mr. Jervie ; but if the Marquis of Westminster play fair, and the Rel■wmers net discreetly, the ',resell.: Members will be reseated. 11 Mr. Jervis lo-e Chester, be will be returned for another constituency : he is one of the few Members whom it would be desirable to retain in the I louse of Commons.
Sir G. Cockburn has deelined the requisition of the Con,ervatives of Plymouth to stand for the honour of again representing, them, in favour of the offer of suppul t made to him by sonic of the electors of Portsmouth.—Pillmourk Journal.