28 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 2

Mr. Borden, the Leader of the Opposition in the Canadian

House of Commove, delivered an important speech at Vancouver on Tuesday- night. The recent violence against peaceful subjects. qf Japan, he declared, was a matter regretted by every true British subject, for which the utmost reparation must be made at once. But he charged the Ottawa Government with having created an unpleasant situation in British Columbia by imposing upon the pepple a Treaty which must be observed until it is abrogated. Canada made that Treaty with all the knowledge of the consequences, nor did, the Liberal rep.reWitAtiv138 fr9.14 BritiSh colinibia protest. Treaty rights Must be respected, and the interests of commerce consulted, but there were higher and greater con- siderations than those of material progress, and Mr. Borden declared that the Conservative Party, which brought British. Columbia into the Confederation, would make it its aim that that province should be inhabited by men in whose veins flowed the blood of the great pioneering race which built up and developed not only Eastern but Western Canada.