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FRANCE.—The Constilutionnel announces the arrival of the Due De Glucksberg at Paris, with the treaty between France and Morocco.
The same journal gives a summary of the treaty, with passages sup-
pressed in the analysis originally published by the Journal des Debate. These suppressed portions, which the Constitutionnel calls the most dis-
advantageous, stipulate that the Emperor shall communicate to the French Government the names of Moorish chiefs who invaded the Algerian territory before they are punished ; that Abd-el-Kader be
outlawed throughout the African possessions of the Emperor and France ; that he may be pursued by the troops of bah Governments, until expelled or captured ; that if he fall into the hands of the French, he is to be treated with every respect due to his station ; that Mogador island and the town of Ouchda be evacuated by the French; that pri- soners of war be immediately exchanged; and that the ratification of the treaty be exchanged within two months.
The Journal du Cher publishes the following speech, purporting to have been recently addressed by the King to M. Larochefoucauld Liancourt, who presented to him, as President of the Society of Christian Morality, various addresses forwarded to him by the English and American Societies for the Preservation of Peace-
" I am happy to receive these addresses, and feel particularly gratified to find that our American friends should do justice to the pains I have taken to main- -tam the general peace of Europe. There is no advantage in making war, even when a nation has attained the object for which it has fought, because ulti- mately the losses are always greater than the gains. I have ever professed that principle : when I was in America, forty years ago, I was often asked to pro- pose toasts at public dinners, and I almost invariably expressed the wish that universal and permanent peace should exist among all nations. I was then exiled from my country, and my anxious desire was that it should enjoy peace and happiness. This is what caused me to adopt that salutary precept. I could not then foresee that I should be called upon one day to exert my in-
fluence and act myself in favour of that great cause. May the Almighty
accord me the maintenance of peace. War appears to me a malediction ; and war in Europe, between civilized nations, I regard as an absurdity : if the smaller States desired it we should prevent them; and as peace between the great Powers becomes daily more consolidated, I hope, if I live a few years longer, that a general war in Europe will have become impossible."
Some doubt seems to be thrown on the genuineness of these observa- tions; but there can be no doubt that they are admirable, presenting a -curious reverse to the old spectacle of kings playing at the game of
war in spite of their subjects: here it is the subjects that are infatuated with the game, the king that is reluctant. The Slade censures Louis Philippe for speaking as a philosopher, a clergyman, or a St. Pierre might speak, but not a king- " He must not exclaim that war is a malediction,' for in advocating such ideas he disarms the negotiators and obliges them to subscribe to shameful
terms. He must not say, in fine, that ' there is no advantage in making war, even when a nation has attained the object for which it has fought,' for it would be giving other Governments to understand that at the first menace of
war he would be ready to renounce the most certain advantages as well as the most sacred rights. To be consistent with such maxims, one should abandon even the defence of the territory, the ne plus ultra of the patriotism of M. Dupin in 1840."
A statue of Admiral Du Quesne, given to the town of Dieppe by King Louis Philippe, was "inaugurated," that is uncovered for the first time after its erection, on Sunday, with much ceremony, in the presence of the assembled inhabitants; the vessels in the harbour being decked with colours, and salutes of artillery being fired. Baron Dupont Del-
porte, Prefect of the Lower Seine, and other distinguished persons, de- livered addresses. Vice-Admiral Baron De la Susse gave a biographical sketch of the celebrated commander- " Du Quesne received his first lessons in the ships of Dieppe; whose bold 'enterprises at that time extended over the world. At this school, the best of that age, be acquired that science which he afterwards applied with so much ability. But his genius soon carried him to a more extensive theatre; and while he was yet young, the sailor of the King was numbered among his best
officers. In 1637, he commanded a galley at the retaking of the isles of Le-
rens, audio the following year he was made Capitaine de Vanseau. In this .grade commenced for Du Quesne a series of exploits to which peace alone put an end. Du Queue having no longer to combat the enemies of France, went to Sweden to seek new dangers. Placed at the head of that fleet, he destroyed that of Denmark, commanded by the King in person. France, engaged in another conflict, soon saw Du Quesne return; and it was then, that, as Chef d'Escadre, he acquired that brilliant renown which we this day celebrate and 'honour. To enumerate the victories of Du Quesne, would be to repeat the finest pages of our maritime history. At Lipari and Augusta be triumphed over De Huyter ; who, wounded, died with despair at having been vanquished. At Palermo he gave to France the empire of the Mediterranean. Victory to him was always faithful. At seventy-five years of age, at Algiers, at Genoa, be gathered his last laurels. Soon after, death finished that long career of glory to which France renders today so tardy an homage."
M. De la Susse mentioned that a Du Queue, grand-nephew of the Admiral, served in Prince De Joinville's squadron, and at Mogador inoved worthy of his great name.
Levassenr, Deputy, told an anecdote of Da Quesue- "In 1650, the Spaniards, profiting by the troubles of France, sent their sue= eours to Bordeaux, which bad raised the standard of revolt. They could not, for want of a navy, oppose this project. Du Quesne armed a squadron at his own expense; and while he was proceeding against the Spaniards, he encoun- tered an English fleet, the commander of which desired him to lower his flag. The French flag shall never be dishonoured so long as it is intrusted to my care,' replied Du Quesne ' the cannon must decide, and English pride must yield today to French valour.' The combat was commenced, and the English were obliged to fly. Du Qaesne arrived at the mouth of the Gironde, closed the entrance of it, and the Spaniards at Bordeaux submitted."
The festivities were kept up on Monday. A vessel fully rigged and manned was dragged through the streets of the town in procession. At night, the Mayor gave a magnificent ball to 1,500 persons ; and the theatres were gratuitously thrown open to the public.
SPAIN.—A letter from Bayonne of the 22d instant, in the Morning Post, announces that a movement on a grand scale had been intended by the Carlists of Navarre ; money and munitions of war, along with a large number of printed proclamations, having been for some time past in readiness. Colonel Jose Maria Ladron, the nephew of the Car- list General Santos Ladron, who was shot in Navarre in 1833, by the Christino General Lorenzo, with 400 to 500 men distributed in conceal- ment along the frontier, was waiting an opportunity to commence the movement. Colonels Elcharte and Corteta, chiefs who are highly po- pular in Navarre, had undertaken the organization of the Carlist forces in that province, and had gathered about 4,000. So stood matters, when orders, dated in London, were received from General Balmaceda, for the discontinuance of the preparations. The reason assigned for this hesitation is the repugnance of Don Carlos to acts of violence, and a lingering hope that the succession may be adjusted by a marriage be- tween his son the Prince of Asturias and Queen Isabella. It is, how- ever, doubted whether the order will be obeyed by the organized Car- lists. Meanwhile, the Spanish Government is despatching reinforce- ments to Navarre with all possible expedition. The Captain-General of Valencia had been directed to send thither 2,000 men.
In Catalonia, the Exaltados of Barcelona and Reus continued to oc- casion uneasiness ; and the garrisons were harassed by perpetual vigi- lance and activity.
Don Martinez de la Rosa had accepted the administration of the Foreign Department ; professing equal repugnance to despotism and po- pular licence.
Reports are rife, that Queen Isabella's health is so bad that Christina has taken steps to secure herself in the Regency during the minority of the Infanta Luisa Fernanda.
SWEDEN.—Popular disturbances have been occasioned by the re- jection of the measure of reform recently discussed in the Diet; and there were riots on the 28th and 29th August. The method of their suppression was curious. The police hired a number of assistants, miners, day-labourers, and others, all of them tall and powerful men, who mingled with the crowd, and who not only inflicted summary pu- nishment for every attempt to create disturbance, but also arrested the most conspicuous among the rioters. Among the prisoners, fifty-six in number, were two opera-dancers.
BRAZIL.—Letters have been received from Pernambuco, by the Priscilla, to the 12th August, which repeat rumours received both from. Bahia and Rio, that a new commercial treaty between England and Brazil was about to be concluded, and that the packet (which is now very much behind her time) is detained in order to bring it. Surprising and unexpected as this intelligence is, it comes from so many quarters that it is just possible that there may be some truth in it ; though, after the position taken by our Government with regard to slavery and the slave-trade, it is difficult to conceive how a treaty can have been con- cluded by the present Ministry with a country in which both those evils are so deeply rooted.—Liverpool Times.