28 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 2

Zbt lattropolis.

CANDIDATES for the Mayoralty are to be nominated today, Michael- mas-day falling on Sunday. The two senior Aldermen, Mr. Wood and Mr. Gibbs, have been made the subject of attack, especially the perpetual Churchwarden of St. Stephen's Walbrook ; who has, how ever, not been without his defenders ; and the election proceedings pro- mise to be more than usually animated. One proposal is, that the Livery should nominate the present Lord Mayor and Alderman John- son ; thus passing over the two marked men, and taking surety against the selection of either by the Court of Aldermen.

A Wardmote was held in the Committee-room of St. Botolph, Aldgate, on Wednesday, to elect an Alderman for the ward of Portsoken, in the room of Mr. Thomas Johnson, resigned. The speakers were perpetually and vociferously interrupted by the friends of the respective candidates. Mr. Francis Graham Moon was proposed and seconded by Mr. Wood and Mr. Phillips ; Mr. David Salomons, by Mr. Hill and Mr. W. Scales junior ; Mr. Scales senior having retired from the contest. In his speech to the electors, Mr. Moon was anxious to persuade them that he did not thrust himself upon the Ward ; and he said that he had offered to retire if Mr. Salomons would qualify and make the necessary decla- ration. He came among them as an independent man; he was called a Tory, but he did not consider the office of Alderman a political one ; he was a preserver of everything that was good, and a reformer of everything bad. Mr. Salomons reminded the electors that he had been Sheriff, and had been appointed to the commission of the peace, in Kent by the Whigs, and in Sussex by the Conservatives ; and he maintained that therefore he could not at the present day be accounted unfit to admi- nister justice as a Magistrate of the City because he belonged to the Jewish persuasion. He was an Englishman, and he and his family had lived in that neighbourhood for more than a century. Mr. Moon's offer he had regarded and treated as a joke. The show of hands was declared /0 be in favour of Mr. Salomons, and a poll was demanded for Mr. Moon. When it finally closed yesterday, the numbers were understood to be— For Salomons, 168; Moon, 136; majority for Salomons, 32.

At a Wardmote held in Fellowship Hall, St. Mary-at-Hill, on Thurs- day, Mr. Thomas Sidney was elected Alderman for Billingsgate Ward, in the room of Mr. Anthony Brown, who resigned on being elected City Chamberlain. There was no opposition. Mr. Sidney disclaimed the obtrusion of political opinions ; but avowed himself the friend of free discussion and the most extensive education.

Mr. Gibson was elected Common Councilman for Langbourne Ward, yesterday, in the room of Mr. Adams, deceased.

The great body of the Hebrew persuasion in London is at the present

time much agitated in consequence of the approaching election to the office of Chief Rabbi of England, which has been for some time vacant by the death of the Reverend Dr. Solomon Herschel!, and which is ap- pointed to take place in the course of the ensuing month. The reverend candidates for the office are Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler, who has been Chief Rabbi of Hanover since August 1830; Dr. Benjamin Auerbach, who has been Chief Rabbi of Darmstadt for ten years ; Dr. Hirschfield, who has been for a short time Chief Rabbi of Wollstein ; and Dr. Sampson Hirsch, who has been Chief Rabbi of Oldenburg since 1831, and is at present Chief Rabbi of East Friesland. The whole of these re- verend gentlemen are celebrated on the Continent in the Christian and Jewish circles for their piety and attainments ; the three first being doctors of philosophy of eminent foreign Universities.—Correspondent of the Times.

At a Quarterly General Court of Proprietors of East India Stock, on Wednesday, the resolution passed at a previous General Court for granting an annuity of 1,000/. to Major-General Sir William Nott was affirmed.

The fiftieth anniversary of the London Missionary Society was cele- brated on Wednesday, at Exeter Hall, by a numerous public meeting. Sir Culling Eardley Smith took the chair, and enlarged upcn the efforts made by the Pope and his emissaries to counteract the Society in dif- fusing the pure gospel throughout the world, and especially in Poly- nesia—

Popery was still the same superstitious, persecuting, Anti-Bible system which it ever had been. In proof of its wretched superstition, shameful impositions,

and miserable cupidity, he need only state, that in 1842 the Pope bad received upwards of 10,0001. from the King of Naples to make a certain woman a saint. Some priests in Italy were exhibiting a letter which they said had been written by the Devil in Messina. The priests pretended to have a letter which they said was written by the Virgin Mary in Paradise, accepting the patronage of that city. The Pope had recently received an enormous sum of money to say a single mass for the soul of an English Catholic. A physician had been im- prisoned in Rome for recommending his patients not to fast ; and certain stu- dents had been similarly punished for having Protestant books in their pos- session.

The Reverend Dr. Leifchild reviewed the progress of the Society— The dozen missionaries which it had at first sent out had been multiplied to four hundred, and with native teachers to seven hundred. It had eighty-five

stations in the world, each station having several outposts ; it bad caused to

be translated and published sixteen versions of the Scriptures in the various languages of the earth ; since its establishment the Society had expended more than a million-and-a-half of money in furthering its mighty object ; and they might fairly conclude that more than a million of individuals had been taught the Christian faith by the:efforts of the Society.

The affair of Tahiti was plentifully alluded to. Letters were read from the missionaries in the island to M. Bruat, as Governor, offering their mediation between the French and the Natives, in order to pre- vent bloodshed. Alluding to attacks on the Society and its missionaries, Dr. Leifchild said, that when the time came for the calumniated persons to speak out and tell the whole of what they could reveal, he was cer- tain that the public would be satisfied with their proceedings. He be- lieved that the Directors meant to continue their appeals to the public, in order that Government might not be permitted to go to sleep upon the matter. Several resolutions were passed unanimously. One was to this effect-

" That this meeting bows before the righteous though mysterious providence of God, which has permitted the power of persecution and oppression to fall

upon the Christians of Madagascar and Tahiti; and humbly acknowledges that the imperfections and evils of the best services offered to His sacred cause might justly provoke His holy chastisements. Towards its suffering Christian brethren

in those islands the meeting cherishes the most affectionate sympathy and prayerful solicitude; and in relation to Tahiti, it cannot withhold the expres- sion of its severest reprobation at the perfidy and cruelty perpetrated by the

agents of France on the defenceless Queen and her oppressed people." 1The resolution went on to urge upon the Directors steps for the Queen's complete deliverance from oppression.]

Another resolution began thus, and proceeded in a similar strain- " That this meeting, in commencing the fiftieth year in the history of the London Missionary Society, humbly presents its grateful praise to God for the decisive and abundant proofs of his favour with which he has vouchsafed, during that period, to crown its varied interests and operations." A third warmly acknowledged the services of Sir Culling Smith, as Chairman, and as Treasurer of the Society.

— A commission de lunatico inquired° was opened before Mr. Com- missioner Winslow and a Special Jury, at Waltham Abbey, on Saturday, to inquire into the mental state of Mr. Thomas Telford Campbell, only son of the late Mr. Thomas Campbell the poet ; who had for fourteen years been confined in Dr. Allen's Asylum at High Beach in Essex. The commission was taken out at the instance of the trustees under a will by a relative of Mr. Campbell, conferring an annuity on him ; aud it is said to have been rendered necessary by the death of his father; from whom, however, he derived no property. Mr. Moxon, counsel to the commission, stated the facts, and described Mr. Campbell's con- dition— Dr. Allen deemed it a mild case, and only thought a little moral control necessary, such as restraining him from drink, to which he had formerly been accustomed : he, therefore, used to walk where he pleased daily after breakfast, returning to dinner, and again, season and weather permitting, until between eight and nine o'clock in the evening. He was a great pedestrian, frequently walking thirty or forty miles per day, and was computed to have travelled over a distance of eighty thousand miles during his residence at High Beach Asylum. He was particularly attached to the neighbourhood of Woodford and Epping Forest. Ile was perfectly harmless, but had several singular delusions. One was, that Chino's lozenges, which he had formerly taken, bad got into his bones and destroyed his constitution ; and he bad some time since accustomed himself to lie down in the sun in the Forest, in order, as he said, to evaporate China's lozenges out of his bones, and eradicate the diseases they had en- gendered. He took occasional dislikes to some of the inmates at Dr. Allen's, and had been known to attack some, when, as he said, they got in his way in the passage ; although on such occasions there was plenty of room for him : and he would afterwards say that he thought he ought to thrash them wen. To the tailor who worked for the establishment he had exhibited an un- accountable dislike, to some of the inmates, and also to woaten clothing. From the slaughterer he begged some of the brains of an ox ; which he ate raw and warm as they came from the head of the animal, saying that they were more " efficacious " in that state. This statement was corroborated by Mr. Johnstone, surgeon, of Dover Street, Piccadilly, and by Dr. Allen and some servants in his establishment. Mrs. Johnstone, the wife of the surgeon, and an old friend of Mr. Campbell's family, also described his eccentric conduct— About fourteen or fifteen years ago she was in London, on a visit to Mrs. Campbell. She observed that young Mr. Campbell's manners were very peculiar. Once when at dinner be took offence because the footman accidentally removed his chair ; upon which, without saying a word, he got up and left the table, went oat of the house, and did not return for several hours. On other occa- sions, when the family would be taking lunch or other meals, be would some- times take it into his head that he was not wanted, and would suddenly leave the room. When witness was about to depart, and wished to take leave of hint, he, for no apparent reason, ran to his bedroom and locked himself in.

One witness was called to disprove the alleged insanity—Mr. Carey, a surgeon, of Woodford, who had met and conversed with Mr. Campbell in his rambles ; but he agreed with the other medical men in pronouncing him insane. Mr. Campbell, whose deportment was very courteous, cool, and self-possessed, put several questions to the witnesses, and made pertinent remarks on the evidence as it passed. Afterwards he ad- dressed the Jury ; observing that the witnesses had given their evidence fairly, but were wrong in their conclusions. He said-

" I did not eat the whole of the brains of the ox, but only a small portion ; and therefore the witness Birkett must be mistaken. Mrs. Johnstone must also be mistaken : I did not behave in the way she described: the fact is, I was unwell, and confined myself to my room, and did not want to be disturbed. I suppose I offended my father because I did not seem to think enough of my- self. He wanted me to go more into society ; which I did not feel disposed to do. I have not been particularly well educated. I was sent to school in France ; but I ran away from it, and was stopped at Boulogne because I had no passport, and was detained there till proper inquiries were made." He added, that he ran away from school because he was not comfortable. He com- plained that of several witnesses whom he had asked to attend, only Mr. Carey had come ; and he proposed that the inquiry should be adjourned to afford opportunity for the attendance of the rest. [Being told that it was not neces- sary, Mr. Campbell seemed satisfied.] He went on to say, that the fact of a man being locked up in a madhouse for some years would lead people to sup- pose he was mad. Of the annoyances to which people were subjected in such establishments none could form any idea who had never resided in them ; none could imagine the effect of constant association with insane persons. What- ever decision the Jury might arrive at, he was himself satisfied that he was perfectly sane.

The Jury retired, and remained absent for about an hour. On their return, the foreman stated that he and another juror objected to giving a verdict in opposition to the medical evidence ; but the other fourteen jurors were of opinion that Mr. Campbell was of sound mind. A ver- dict to that effect was recorded. Mr. Campbell immediately left Dr. Allen's Asylum.

Jacques Besset was charged at the Mansionhouse, on Monday, with fraudulent bankruptcy under the law of France. He had represented himself to be one of a pretended firm of Pricener and Company of Fen- church Street, and thus obtained goods of a Paris merchant, for which he never paid ; and then he decamped. The Lord Mayor committed him, in order to his being sent to France under the provisions of the recent convention between France and Great Britain for the mutual delivery of criminals.

In the course of an application to the Magistrate at Lambeth Street, on Wednesday, by a number of men who had served in the British Legion in Spain, for some assistance, the following characteristic epistle of the Duke of Wellington, in answer to a letter from one of the suf- ferers of the Legion, was read-

" London, 31st November 1843.

" Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington has received Samuel Shaw's letter, and returns the documents ; which, being original papers, ought not to have been sent to him.

"The Duke of Wellington is the Commander-in-chief of her Majesty's Army, and not of that of the Queen of Spain. He has no control over the latter, and declines to interfere with any affair over which he has no control.

" Samuel Shaw, having been in the service of the Queen of Spain, should apply to those who induced him to enter into the service of that Sovereign.

" Samuel Shaw, 31 George Yard, WhitechapeL"

' Harriet Thorpe, the " Somersetshire dwarf," a woman three feet high, has attempted to poison herself, because she was deserted by another prodigy, Pat Fitzgerald, who is without hands and yet cuts watch-papers, and who was exhibited in the same show with her. At Union Hall the dwarf was repentant ; and she is to endeavour to obtain a living by needlework, instead of exhibiting herself.

Nathaniel Marks, a Jew living at Sadler's Wells, was fined at the Clerkenwell Police-office, on Tuesday, for the shameful ill-treatment of his mother, an aged woman.

Benton, a young labouring man, has been killed in a pugilistic en- counter, near the Kensington Canal, with another young man named Jones, A. dastardly attempt at assassination was made on Tuesday, by Myers, a Jew, on Mr. Clayard, at a public-house near Leicester Square. The men had had some words and a scuffle, but were apparently recon- ciled: Myers left the house : on his return, Clayard offered him his hand ; which Myers took, at the same moment making a stab with a large butcher's knife : a fresh struggle ensued, and Clayard received many severe wounds. The Jew is in custody.

A long inquiry has taken place at Brentford into the cause of the death of John Shaw, a labourer, whose thigh was broken at Slough by a fall of earth, and of whose treatment at the Eton Union Workhouse complaints had been made. The Jury returned a verdict of "Acci- dental Death." It appeared from the evidence, that under an order of the Poor-law Commissioners, sick persons are not allowed to speak to their friends, not even to the nearest connexions, excepting in the presence of a person belonging to the house : to their verdict the Jury appended a strong condemnation of that rule, as "part only of a system of moral treatment adopted towards the poor which is a disgrace and a scandal to a Christian country."

Mr. Barry, one of the clowns at Astley's Theatre, performed a strange voyage un the Thames, from Vauxhall to Westminster Bridge, on Tuesday : a ',making-tub was his boat, and he was drawn by two geese. He landed in safety.