A very crowded Common Hall was held in Guildhall, today,
to elect a Lord Mayor for the year ensuing. First, however, the new Sheriffs, Alderman W. Hunter and Alderman Thomas Sidney, were sworn into office, and the Corporation heard a sermon preached in the church of St. Laurence Jewry. On their return to Guildhall, the election pro- ceeded, in a storm of hissing and cheering. The Common Sergeant read over the names of the Aldermen who had not passed the chair. Many hands were held up for Alderman Thomas Wood, Alderman Michael Gibbs, and Alderman John Johnson ; very few for those that followed in the list. The Sheriffs decided that the election of the Livery had fallen on the two first named. The Court of Aldermen having deliberated for about half an hour' the Recorder announced that they had elected as Lord Mayor, Michael Gibbs, Esq., citizen and fish- monger.