The affairs of Spain have become more embroiled by a
parting manifesto of Queen CHRISTINA to the Spanish nation ; setting forth her claims to their gratitude, and complaining of the return she has met with for all her doings for the good of the people. It was well enough known that her resignation was compulsory ; but it was scarcely expected that she would hurl a declaration of witr against the men to whom she had intrusted the guardianship of her daughter. The Regents have issued a counter-manifesto ; the conclusion of which betrays a want of confidence in their position, and that it is necessary to make an exhibition of their power to punish. " Spaniards, remain tranquil !" say the Regents ; "fear nothing ! The constitution will be rigorously observed by all. Should any feel disposed to disturb public order, 200,000 veterans and 500,000 National Guards are ready to defend it."