Stn,—Whilst not in agreement with the proposals contained in his letter published in The Spectator of May 21st and founded on his personal acquaintance with the various races and provinces of the Indian sub- continent, I must dispute two statements made by Mr. Edwyn Bevan. Inc first is that we forcibly control India. This we most certainly do not. And the second is that India has been a united country for 150 vcars. Setting aside minor States Scinde was only conquered in 1843, the Punjab in 5849 and Oudh incorporated with British India in 1856. Whether we are justified in leaving India to its own devices with the full rowledge that it will revert to a country of warring States as it was before c established a strong central government is a matter for very serious ,cussion, but I would suggest that anyone before coming to a decision should study the situation as it was in India from 1658 to