execs E./masses, FRIDAY AFTERNOON.
The English Stock Market continued without animation, or important business till yesterday; when some speculative purchases were effected The price of Consols, which had been steady at 96f 1 advanced to 97f, and has. today further improved to 97 to f,. the closing.quotation. The exciting cause of these operations is said to be the favourable nature of the bullion returns of the Bank of England for the week ending last Saturday. It is also be- lieved that the amount borrowed upon "approved securities by way of loan since the closing of the books of the Consols and other Stooks is unusually small, and that less money of the July dividends will be absoibed for the purposes of their repaJnient than in ordinary cases. Add to these circum- stances the firmness of the money-market in Paris. The rate of discount is unchanged. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been very unimportant, and scarcely any variation has occurred in the prices of the current varieties of Stock. Mexican, Spanish, and Portuguese Bonds, are all rather firmer. A meeting of the Spanish Bondholders is called for Thursday next; when it is understood that the Committee mean to recommend the rejection of that part of the Ministerial scheme for the conversion of Active Debt which pro- poses to convert the overdue Coupons into New Stock at half their nominal capital, and to advise the urging upon Government of the conversion of the Coupons into an equal amount of new Stock. '1 he Railway Shares were greatly depressed, and the market ccntinued, falling till yesterday afternoon, when a reaction occurred ; and the market has been tolerably steady the whole of today at the improved quotations. The fall was from 3/. to 4/. per share, and the range of quotation this afternoon is from 11. to 2/. above the lowest prices. Upon the -settlement of the Ac- count yesterday there was much less pressure for money than usual, and the continuation or premium paid for carrying over Shares to the July Account was much lighter. We believe, however, that this comparative cheapness of money arose rather from the large mass of capital that has been directed to the Share Market, in consequence of the high prices recentlypaid for its use, than from any material curtailment of speculation. It should- also be remarked, that the traffic-returns for the week ending last Saturday were- generally favourable. The French Shares are all higher than last week; the advance of Northern of France having been about 108., the others pro- portional. The dividend and bonus upon these latter Shares, amounting to' 16 francs, will become payable alter the 1st of July ; and the Coupons are saleable at 128. 9d. each, equivalent to an exchange of 25 francs 10 cents for the pound sterling.
3 per Cent Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents 76 7 Ditto for Account 974 1- Dutch 2i per Cents
64 I
3 per Cent Reduced 974 i , Ditto 4 per Cents 914 i 34 per Cents
984 a
Mexican.5 per Cents 1816.. 34i i Long Annuities 7 5-14 Peruvian 6 per Cents
874 84
Bank Stock 212 214 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.
334 44,.
Exchequer Bills 45 48 inn. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 85 86.
India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 112 114 Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 91 Ditto 44 per Cents,. 1021 1.
Belgian 44 per Cents
4 4
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 214 i Chin= 6 per Cents 103 .5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 404 1 Danish 5 per Cents 103 4 Venezuela 32 4
There is no change in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds, and scarcely any business occurring. The French Funds were firm yester- day in Paris at the prices of the previous day ; while-the Shares were slightly higher. The transaetnms in Railway Shares here this morning have been insignificant, and no material change in prices has occurred.
Skruanay. Two o'cLoci& The English Stook Market closes at an advance of h per cent upon the morning's prices, the last quotation of Consols being 97,* t. Messrs. Eambra and Son have, it is understood, contracted a ith the Sardinian Government: for a loan, to the amount of 3,000,0001. sterling to be applied to the construc- tion of railways. The loan is to be in a 5 per cent stock, but nothing has transpired as to the proposed terms. In the Eoreio'n Market, the transactionrs have been limited to the tollowing—Mexican, 34j 1; Peruvian, 88k; Ditto Deferred, 42; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 102 I; Spanish Active, 21k # 21fi ; Passive, 6*; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 60t ; Ditto Four per Cents, 9Ia The Railway Share Market is.much firmer ; the improvement of the last two days has continued, and the advance upon the day's business is from 10s. to 208. upon the shares of the principal lines. The following are the chief of the bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 11* Ambergate, :Notts, and Boston, 5 44 56; Biistel and Exeter, 77; Caledonian, 11# ; Eastern Counties, 61; East Lancashire, 14 # 141 15; Great Northern, 17t ; Ditto Half-shares B. 6 per Cent, 12/ ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland) 38f ; Great Western, 851; Lancaster and Carlisle, 80,79 ; Lancashire and
Yorkshire, 52 '
.1 3 2a 3i 4Ditto Fifths, 31 ; London and Blackwell, 7+- I ; London Brighton, and South Coast, 95t ; London and North-western, 123f 124; Condon and South-westein, 841 46; Midland, 46# + ; Ditto 501. Shares, 16 ; North British, 61; North Staffordshire- 9* * Scottish Cen- tral, 16; South-eastern and Dover, 23k ; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, In t; Ditto Extensiont 11 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Prefer- ence, 6* t ; York and North Midland, 191 4,- Leeds and Bradford, 101+'; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 20+ 8; Caledonian, 101., 6# ; Chester and Holyhead, 15f ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 13+; York, Newcastle, and Ber..ick, G. :N. E. Purchase, 9; Boulogne and Amiens, 91 ; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 18+; St. John Del Rey, 18 t.