An Offer to Germany Sir Oswald Mosley has been informing
Germany (through an interview in the Lokalanzeiger) that she ought to have her colonies back, and as he also informed her that the British Fascists would secure a majority at the election after next Herr Hitler will probably be content to wait. There are many able German jour- nalists in London well qualified to keep their papers accurately informed as to what Sir Oswald and his movement stand for in this country. If there were any doubt about it, the unanimity of the support accorded in the House of Commons to a Bill designed primarily to curb Fascist extravagances should be demonstration enough of that. But to papers in a totalitarian country the question of whether news will be agreeable to the Government comes first, the question of its accuracy second. The colonial problem will no doubt be discussed with Germany some day in some form, but it will not be by grace of Sir Oswald Mosley, the ardour of whose patriotism is rather strangely demonstrated by his anxiety to rid this country of territories for which she chose to assume trusteeship;