We have heard, not certainly from authority, but from a
well-informed quarter, on which we believe every reliance may be placed, that the propos;.l made by the Earl a DURHAM in the Cabinet Council for iestrierirg the elective fravehise under the Reform Act, to persons having it twenty pound qualification, was accompanied with the express conditbm that all voting should be by nal.Lor ; and that when his Lord- ship found he could not carry the latter condition, he readily concurred in making the qualification 10/. We believe that this statement will turn not to be well-founded. And if so, it will be readily allowed, even by those most opposed to the ballot, that Lord DURHAM has just reason to complain of " gross misrepresentittion," and of " the sup- press!:.n of the truth," on the part of the author, or furnisher of the mate; i;:Is to the author, of the last article in the late number of the Edir argh Review.—Courier.