Answers to Questions on Historical Characters 1. Charles XII of
Siveden (S. Johnson, Vanity of Human Wishes). -2. William of Orange (Motley, Rise of the Dutch Republic). 3. Napoleon (Byron, Age of Bronze).--4. Francis Bacon (Pope, Essay on Man, Epistle iv. 282).-5. Alexander the Great (Dryden, Alexander's Feast).-6. George II. (Macaulay, Essay on Chatham). -7. Wellington (Tennyson, Ode on the Death of the Duke of W.).
-8. Julius Caesar (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, I., 2).-9. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel). -10. George Washington (Gen. Lee, Eulogy on W.). 11. Gibbon (Carlyle, quoted by Emerson, First Visit toEngkind).- 12. 0. Cromwell (Milton, Sonnet, To the Lord General Cromwell).- 13. Frederick the Great (Carlyle, History of Frederick).