23 JUNE 1984, Page 7

Fire and brimstone

Mr George Seawright, Belfast city councillor and a DUP member of the assembly, has proposed yet another solu- tion to the Irish troubles that would involve English taxpayers' money: this time the purchase of an incinerator in which to burn 'Fenian scum', Roman Catholics generally and their priests in particular. Mr Seawright cannot understand why his remarks should have caused a commotion, and blames the whole thing on the European election cam- paign, without which his remarks would have been regarded as perfectly normal, for him at least. 'There will be no retraction, no apology, no capitulation, no compromise, and no surrender,' he explained, before be- ing removed by the police from a city coun- cil meeting which decided by a vote of 21 to 7 to remove him from his place on the education and libraries committee. Mr Seawright is a teetotaller, which might ex- plain the intemperance of his language.