Oxponn, May 22.—Wednesday last the following degrees were conferred :- Doctor in Dieinity—Rev. Samuel Curlewis Lord, Wittlhant College, grand com- pounder. Bachelor in Minify—Rev. Charles Carr Clerke, Student of Christ Church, and Archdeacon of Oxford.
Ft Masters of Arts—Rev. John Medley, Wadham, grand compounder—Rev. John Houle, Wadham College—Rev. Edward Sachevrel Cave Browne Cave, Drazennose College—Rev. Henry Trimmer, Exeter College—Rev. John Byron, Exeter College. Bachelors of Arts.—James Allan Harrison, St. Mary Hall—William Watts, Scho- lar of University College—Traver Twiss, Scholar of Lniversity College—John Upton Gaskell, Magdalen Hall—Isaac Singleton Godmond,Queen's Coliege—Edword Cooke, Queen's College—Jasper Nicolls Harrison, Scholar of Worcester College—John Bradley Dyne, Scholar of Wadham College—Henry Bostock, Wadham College— Henry Fowler, Brazennose College—William Robert Brown, Brazenness College— Thomas Halton, Brazennose College—James Guillemard, Fellow of st. John's Col- lege—Joseph Hayward, EXeter College—Samuel Valentine Edwards, Trinity College.
In a Convocation. holden the same day, the Rev. William Kay, M.A., Fellow of Lincoln College, was unanimously elected Citrate of the Perpetual Curacy of Kirkdale, in Yorkshire, vacant by the death of the Rev. George Dixon, the last in- cumbent.
On Monday last, Mr. George Day, Mr. William Caller, and Mr. George Barnes, were elected Westminster Students of Christ Church.
The Rev. Walter P. Powell, B.A.; Scholar of Worcester College, 'has been ap- pointed Master of the Free and Endowed Grammar School at Bampton, in this county.