Mafia extortion
Recently Hugh Leggatt wrote in our Notebook that, on the whole, it was his belief that great paintings were never stolen for private delectation, though the gaining of a ransom was frequently a factor in their theft He suggested that a Carvaggio missing for some time had, in fact, been taken by the Mafia, and that the Italian government were even now in negotiation for its return.
We now learn that this is the case, and that representatives of the Italian government are discussing a ransom figure with Mafia representatives. We can understand, of course, the desire of both the relevant museum and of the Italian authorities to regain possession of this priceless work of art, but it is never wise to truckle with criminals, and especially with criminals of the Mafia ilk. Whatever the value or cost of the Carvaggio the ransoming of it will lead merely to further deprecations, and further pressures to treat and ransom.