A private meeting of 11, formers, includieg several leading Members
of Pitiliament, was held yesterday at the Crown arid Anchor Tavern, to take measures for raising a Ned to defray the political expenses to which Mr. O'CONNELL bus been subjected. and to mark the respect and gratitude of the preple of this country for his services. Resolu- tions were passed, declarieg that the tine haul arrEved a lest the British people should come forward to support Mr. O'Coexel.t., as the able, persevering. and intrepid advocate of Iletorm in Orval Britain, against the unexampled persecution he has suffered from the etietoies (it good government. It was agreed to hold a public meeting on Wednesday the 1st of June, tit the Crown and A tick or ; mid the Reformers in every part of the British empire are invited to cooperate iii promoting the object of the meeting. We hope—und if proper means be employed, we believe—that the result of this movement will be a mapnilicent testimuoial of national gratitude to Mr. 0' CONNELL. There is no titan iti Great Britilio, from the King to the Constable—whether deriving HD income directly front the public purse, or as the proprietor tit lands granted to los am. cestors—who has so wi.11.1 ded it claim ou the literality of the country as the Member for Ireland, if public services are deemed wor- thy of recompense. The idiots who apply the term " beggar " to Mr. O'CoeNr.i.e. mad better beware how they provoke the People not only to call their pa- trons "robber*--thieves— swindlers," blir to It them as such. They who extort or take money from the public without milking on adequate return, may yet encounter a day of exposure, if out of ptitoslonent. Should that la nod arrive, Mr. O' may st.ild boldly forward
to challeoge investigatiun. when certain grandees and their connexions will do their best to skulk.