The British Army crossed the Rhine at Cologne and Bonn
on Thursday and Friday week and occupied the bridgehead east of the river. General Plumer himself took the salute of his splendid troops, the Cavalry, the 29th and 9th Divisions, and the Canadian Corps, as they passed in their triumphal march. The Americans crossed on Friday week at Coblenz, to occupy Ehrenbreitstein and the Lahn Valley beyond Ems. Tho French, crossing at Mainz, have occupied Wiesbaden, the Taunus hills, and the western suburbs of Frankfort. The enemy population has behaved correctly. The correspondents still declare that there is no lack of food in Western Germany, though it has been very inequitably distributed. The poor have suffered, but the well-to-do have had more than enough to eat. The boasted German organization, that is to say, has worked far less satisfactorily than our improvised system of rationing, which is fair to all classes.