21 DECEMBER 1918, Page 1


PRESIDENT WILSON reached Brest on Friday week, making a landing which would have been historic, apart from the momentous cause of his visit ; he was the first President of the United States to land on European soil during his tenure of office. He was received at sea by a squadron of the Navy which he commands, a stately ceremony carried out under conditions which reflected credit on Admiral Sims and his officers and men. Mr. Wilson landed at Brest with the goodwill of all Frenchmen, as the rally of multi- coloured political Leagues, with addresses of welcome, indicated. He was received with twenty-one guns by the French ships and their sailors' sevenfold cheer. Brest was bright with holiday-makers as the George Washington' came to her moorings. In reply to the Mayor's welcome, Mr. Wilson's first utterance was apt and happily phrased : " I come to join my counsel with that of your own public men, in bringing about a Peace settlement which will be consistent alike with the ideals of the United States and of France."