Crossword no.1296
Across 1 Not that she was exactly the salt of the earth! (4, 4)
5 A shilling in the Trevi fountain from a scholar? (3, 3) 9 One model organ to be rebuilt (8)
10 Peninsula in the Siberian wastes (6) 12 'Abou Ben Adhem (may his - increase!)' (Leigh Hunt) (5) 13 Farmer's summer hat? (5-4) 14 Records on location or volumes of sermons? (7-5) 18 Soppy dates! (12) 21 Dear Corin is rather a seedy type (9) 23 Bridge that gets regular tests! (5) 24 One and one make one wife for Paris! (6) 25 I'm in the cathedral to see the departmental boss (8) 26 They must be returned to sender in sound con- dition (6) 27 Tough guys surround returning infantryman with swords (8) Down 1 Last straws when I'm in foreign beds? (6) 2 Of good height appears the canon-maker (6) 3 Twenty-four hours in Sheffield! (9) 4 They are run on 1 April (5, 7) 6 Broken below the joint? (5) 7 The pear has a fine scent (8) 8 Flourish Peter Rabbit's breakfast about? (8)
11 A hundred charge the gate designed to keep them back (5-7)
15 Sappers in the tub are using their lungs! (9) 16 The story of one cadet (8) 17 'Silence and sleep like fields of - lie' (De la Mare) (8) 19 Trollope's estate resembles Orion in this par- ticular! (6) 20 Waders for baby-carriers! (6) 22 William Douglas was prepared to lay himself doun and dee for her (5) Solution next week
Solution to Crossword no. 1295. Across. I Chough 4 Absolute 10 Observe 11 Roaming 12 Soeratical 13 Moor 15 Inertia 17 Loriner 19 Kabbala 21 Sacking 23 Lily 24 Edwardians 27 Caved-in 28 Pensive 29 Serenade 30 Eskers. Down. t Chop-stick 2 Ossicle 3 Gargantuan S Barnacles 6 Oran 7 Unicorn S Egger 9 Veni 14 Precedents 16 Abandoned 18 Registers 20 Bolivar 22 Imagine 23 Laces 25 Amps 26 Odin