Studies in Biblical and Semitic Symbolism. By Maurice H. Fairbridge,
M.A. (Kegan Paul and Co. 10s. 6d.) Folk-lore and anthropology are becoming more and more the province of the psychologist who seeks in his science a rational interpretation of myth and custom. Amongst psychologists are to be distinguished two Schools of Ethnology, the Historical. School associated with the name of the late Dr. Rivers, and the Psychoanalytical School associated with that of Dr. Sigmund Freud. The object of Mr. Fairbridge is to collect the available material and attempt to interpret it from purely Semitic sources. He presents his material in a scholarly way, and his interpretations of Semitic symbols are remarkable for their aptness and scientific caution. But as there is no well-marked thesis in the book to bind its parts together and give it form and coherence, it does not provide very attractive reading for the layman. On the other hand experts in ethnology will welcome this new piece of Semitic research.