20 MARCH 1926, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—My attention has been drawn to the letter which appears under this heading in your issue of March 6th, from my friend Major Leonard Darwin, President of the Eugenics Education 'Society. I. am, sure it is far from Major Darwin's intention to do so ; but, unfortunately the reference to me in that letter is so worded as to convey the impression that, I am in favour of the sterilization of mental defectives.,

This I am not ; since, after very careful consideration, it appears to me that any advantages of such a procedure would be more than neutralized by serious disadvantages.

Perhaps I may be permitted to remark that I have recently written an article dealing with all the points raised in Major Darwin's letter, and that this will appear in the April number of the Journal of Mental Welfare, published by the Central Association for Mental Welfare, 24 Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c.,