20 APRIL 1872, Page 1


THE Daily Telegraph published on Wednesday another of its inspired articles from Berlin. In leaded type and solemn English and a tone of serious responsibility, the writer affirmed that the German Chancellor had forwarded an ultimatum to France, had demanded a reduction of her threatening armaments, and had re- solved, in the event of refusal, to renew the war within a fortnight. All the Bourses of Europe were affected by the statement, and although it is not confirmed at Berlin, and is formally denied at Versailles, and is not credited by Mr. Gladstone, still it is probable that there is something in it. It is clear that Prince Bismarck must have given it, or something like it, to the Telegraph's corre- -apondent, and consequently that he wishes an idea that he is ex- ceedingly angry to be accepted by the European public. What his motive may be we are at a loss to conceive, for he could provoke a -war much more easily by direct menaces, but that he has a motive -no one who has studied his history can doubt. It would seem that some complaint of the distrust shown by France has reached Ver- sailles, but it is expressed in a friendly tone, and has caused very little alarm in Paris.