[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read,and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] STAGE DESIGN.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I Was glad to see Mr. Nigel Playfair supporting your suggestiOn that we should before long have an exhibition (I hope international) pf Theatrical Art and Craft at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Kensington. And now further news has reached me of the large Amsterdam Exhibition of Theatrical Work which is to be held next January. It is to be in the Municipal Museum (I suppose this is the famous Rijcks Museum). The invitations are now going out, printed in four languages. Adolphe Appia has sent them an enthusiastic letter and will exhibit (this in itself is an enormous triumph for Amsterdam). They have asked me to visit the town and to give a lecture and exhibit. This I will do provided the English Exhibition has begun to shape, but not unless. I have told them so.
I have the Hon. Secretary's assurance that the exhibition in Amsterdam will follow the example set by Zurich of making their exhibition a well-managed and delightful affair. The Architectural Section will be of the first importance. Let us originate in this, I beg, and not wait for Holland to show us how to do it and then copy them. I do think it is a matter which Mr. Norman Wilkinson and Mr. Playfair, Mr. Lawrence and Mr. E. K. Chambers could, with the assistance of one or more of the Museum Authorities, organize and carry through successfully and in an original manner to the delight of London. But they must be financially suppotted by London (by what- ever body. ought to support them; or by whatever individual
• is itieieited_enouih to do so) to the fiance extent as -Zurich and
st. Amsterdam have supported the organizers of these two exhibi- tions. Do you not think so? DO you not think our men deserve as well in this as those in Switzerland and Holland? Great sums of money are 'being found in. England to-day As of Ohl to develop one thing or another, so I hope a small sum—a very small sum is enough—will be found to do this work.—I am,