1 MAY 1830, Page 4


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvENINo.—Notwithstanding the disappoint- ment of the public hopes of the King's immediate recovery, and the anxiety with which his protracted indisposition is regarded by all classes, it is sur- prising how very little excitement has prevailed during the week in this place. The amount of business done has not been great, and the extreme fluctua- tions not exceeding a half per cent. The opening price of Monday (92i to 93) was the highest ; the lowest was yesterday, 921 to i; and the most pre-

valent, which is also the last, 92i to This state of things offers no scope for remark ; and we shall therefore turn to the Foreign Market, where speculation has increased and is increasing.

The favourite objects during the week have been Greek and Spanish Bonds ; the first of which have touched 55, and the last 23. The impulse to both is still from without, and chiefly from Holland ; but the last rise in Spanish followed a rise in Paris. Every body seems to be buying these things, but nobody pretends to say wherefore, excepting that they have been told "that it is right" to buy them. The right, however, we are much afraid will be wrong some one of these mornings,—especially with the Greeks, for 55 is a fearful price, and its continuance, we suspect, depends wholly on the Allied Fowers becoming guarantees to a new loan for paying the old ones; a pro- position so unlikely to be true, that we wonder how it can be credited. Sure we are that our Government can be no party to such a measure ; and our contemporaries would do well to "point attention" to some of the delusions of 1830, rather than wait as they did in 1825 until after the mischief was done.

The Dutch continue to buy the low-priced South American Bonds ; and Mexican 6 per Cents are at 34, Colombian at 26, and Peruvian 25. Five or six shillings in the pound, as times go, is a good dividend for a bad debt, and we ought therefore to be very much obliged to the Dutch. Brazilian Bonds have been 75 and 734 this week ; at present they are 736; and truly they must be cheap, when Greek are thought worth 55. The Spanish Bonds are still much sought after, and a great deal of business has been done in them.

In the Share Market the, business is also increasing; and some long- defunct schemes are beginning to give signs of returning animation.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.—This is. a holiday at the Bank, and might have been one at the Stock Exchange for any business that has occurred. There has been nothing doing in either Market, except a few bargains in Greek, which has fallen from 2 to 3 per cent., having left off last night at 53 to 54, and is now only 51 to 5li. Spanish, nominally, 22i to 8.

ERITiSH FUNDS. Bank Stock, 2141 3 per Cent. Reduced, 918

3 per Cent. Consols, 928 38 per Cent. 1818, si per Cent. Reduced, 99 New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1018

4 per Cents. 1826, Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 18 15-16ths19 India Stock, div. 236 per Cent. 239 240 South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent.

India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) 83 84 Exchequer Bills, /interest lid. per cent. per diern.)78 79 80 Consols for Account 925 FOREIGN FUNDS.

Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent.

Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent, 74 I Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 37 39

Chilian, 6 per Cent. 268 27.5 Colombian, 252 265. Ditto, 1824,6 per Cent. Danish, 3 per Cent. 75 French 5 per Cents.

Ditto 3 per Cents.

Greek 5 per Cent. 51 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 348 35 Neapolitan, 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 24.1 25 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 61 Prussian, Russian, Ill Spanish, 22+ + SHARES.


Brazilian, Imperial. 82/. 831. Real del Monte, 621. 641. Bolunos, .18M. 495/. Colombian, 10/. 10s. II/. 10s. United Mexican, 21/. 10s. 221.