At a Congregation held on Tuesday, at Cambridge, the following
.grace was proposed to the Senate—" To petition the House of Com- -mons not to give their sanction and support to a plan of education which has been recently laid before them, being contained its minutes of proceedings by a Committee of the Privy Council." On its being put S vote, there appeared—in the White Hood House, Placet, 37, lacet, 9, majority, 28; Black Hood House, Placet, 22, Non- 8, majority, 14.
t a meeting of the East Kent Baptist Association, held at Canter- bury on Tuesday, the following resolutions, among others, were passed—
"That thin meeting regards with surprise and indignation the pretensions lately put forth on behalf of the clergy of the Established Church, claiming for that body the exclusive right to educate the children of the people of England ; that the folly and arrogance of such pretensions would consign them to silent contempt, were it not that measures are already in progress to carry into effect,
- an extensive scale, the plans of their advocates ; and that therefore it is the bounden duty of Protestant Dissenterato ex.rzt themselves to the utmost in defence of liberal and comprehensive principles. • "That, holding in just abhorrence the pernicious heresy of baptismal regene- ration, as taught in the Catechism If the Church of Englund, and inculcated on all children attending schools sanctioned by the clergy of that Church, this meeting earnestly recommends the churches and congregations included in this -asseciation, to unite with other Dissenters in establishing schools for all, on the principles of the British and Foreign School Society, or where that is im- practicable, to secure, by some other means, the education of the children under their care or control, that they may be preserved from the baniful iqfluencc tpe ,anti- Scriptural doctrine, and from th habit of systematic falsehood, which thew use of the aforesaid fornadary would necessitate. "That as no plan of education can be justly termed national,' which does not provide for the instruction of all, without partiality or compromise, this meeting deprecates the employment of the public money for educational pur- poses, on any principle at variance with the entire equality of all religious denominations."
[This reminds us of Warburton's famous saying—" Orthodoxy is my doxy, and heterodoxy is another man's doxy." What the Church teaches as saving faith, the Kentish Baptists denounce as "anti-Scrip- tural" and "systematic falsehood."] The Reverend James Aspinall, of Liverpool, has been presented to the Rectory of Althorpe, Lincolnshire, vacant by the removal of the Reve- rend W. Lacey to Allhallows.
Lord Western has thrown out a challenge to any South Down breeder to show against his Anglo-Merino sheep at the next exhibition of the East Essex Agricultural Association at Colchester.