sTocm EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Notwithstanding the pressure for money, which 1ms during the week been my severe, the prices of the Public Securities have improved, and all descrip- tions of Stock are per cent, above our last week's prices. Exchequer Bills have, however, declined; the premium upon these Securities is to-day from 5s. torialower than it was last week. The settling of the Consols Account took place on Tuesday ; and the pressure for money occasioned the "continuation," or premium paid for carrying over Stock to 17th July, to be larger than mud, per cent. baying been freely given but although the premium thus paid was neraly double Bust usually given, it only affords an interest of 3 per cent. upon the amount of the money employed. Considerable exertions hove been nude to give a favourable turn to the exelenigis, and as these exertions have ken successful, the exportation of bullion hos materially diminished. It is, however, believed that the Bank Directors will he for sonic time to) come com- pelled to narrow their accommodations and use every effort to keep money 1ratte,
lathe Foreign Market, the business transacted has been unimportant. The only fluctuation worth notice has been in Spanish Stock ; wi id i is to-day nearly I per cent, above the prices of last Saturday. The scarcity of' money has, however, been severely Mt ; anl the speculators in Spanish and Portuguese Nods were compelled in sonic instances to give as high an interest as Ito and. 12 per cent, to carry on their accounts from to-day, (which loos been utfimg-day,) to the next account, 14th June. The improvennoot Ii Simnitlt Stock luis been chiefly occasioned by a reported change in the piney of the French Ministry towards Spain, and speculation is once more active no these depressed Securities.
There appears to be an improved demand. for some of the Railway Shares ; but it has not occasioned any material rise in the value of this description of 1"Pertl%
SATIIRDAV. TWELVE °Thom There has been snore business transacted this morning than is usually the me on Saturday. The pressure for money both in the English and Foreign house is extreme. The prices of' Securities are, however, wedi supported, Coil- tole having been done at 94 for Account, while the price for Money is 9:02 a. Exchequer Bills are lower, and have been done at 25 prem. Bank Stock has ken at 195i, being I per cent, above yesterday's price, but has again fallen back, and is now 194 Spanish Active Stock is heavy, with little 'doing.
The usual monthly statement of the Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of England has been published. As compared with the last publication, it ex- hibits a decrease of the Amount of the Circulation, Deposits, and Bullion ; the :only increase being in that of' the Securities. The Circulation has been diminished by 136,0001., the Deposits by 293,0007., and the Bullion by 904,0 WI. Ike confirms our opinion when last touching upon the subject, that the Went augmentation of the rate of discount would toot stop' the drain of bolos, hut would only operate to abuse a withdrawal of the deposits.
3per Cent, Consols 931 Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 Ditto for Account . 93) 4 Dollish 3 per Cents 75 4 bee Cent. Redue.ed r •921
Bonk Stock 1611 Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts 311 6 561 mull per Cent Antis Nils Stuck 1951 41 Ditto 3 per Cents 211 1 Data Bends 2551 Si) Russian (1822) 5 per 1121 13
Exchequer Bills '28 6 pm Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.... 19 625 7pm Deferred Stock SI 6
Belgian 5 per Cents. 1011 2 Passive Ditto 4* 1