At Rathmines, the • .',dy or the lion. T. F. W. Ilurt,Ea, of in son and heir. -
At Houton Sateliville. Ito 0.1 Lady or a `,Iitgliti•r.
At Ilyile Park 11.1te, Ne.,5111 ton (hire, the !Arty ot."1.1or General DIIIIANT,'Or a son. 01, It, 24111 ult., the Lally of; Eliwatto Iteratur,-1%.sii„ M.P., or a son. On the 2711, ult., at I. ,tu' Hall, Staffordshire, the Lady of: W. ITEanr.afr WOOD. Or It SOH, still-11,r I.
OH 15111 :it eatlage, Stamford, Niagara, 17p1uer Canada, the j;ady
of STEWART, ESI1., or a sfm.
On the 2611, ult., at Whippie feint, the Lady orthe ttey..t. en. GIFFORD, Or 11 SOIL
Ott ito' 2401 ult., at Groat Gran,den Vieatago, .1Iuntingdfat hire, the Lady of the
Rey. Ea r manes IA Glum of a daughter.
On the 2‘.1th id Ow ,eat of the ladv's family, itt I.eice:tershire, the Doke .s
55. Ars tas Ito MiSS I 1.111t! Ns. :hter of I ,ftlififfil Chthhins.
On the •:;f1t11 ult., at chvon Stfillhrdshire. Sir T. Hvsif.xitol.li Niancistrier, aud K NI.Cer ia the 99th Regiment, seeon.1 son of the late (Iimeral Le
Nlarchatit , to M a tie %P EE ,% van, third ilteighlar of the 11ev. Holant'raylor,31.A., Rector sir (ninon (Iampyiti,
Oil nie shohlea. j ANI Ea SVNIINGTON Suourrr, Esq., Lieutenant 4th, or King's own, silt a me tate Lieutenant cebaiet sly mi. oriwr Ntatesty's 'list Ilegintent, It, M.%Ity, daughter or \lee-Admiral 5' u- Thomas Harvey, It., of Sholden Kent.
Out the 25111 lilt., at Southampton, C u 1ituu IIKNIIV E. Don t. wry, of the 14th Light 1 tragoons, to Nvt: Etazv, sfaf. ftol daughter tit Sir 'Henry On-flow. Bart.
Al elteltimIt tin,.1. or. l'oya .y IS Esq., H.N., sou or Sir Charles 1);tsliwood, to IIENIlln-rt v , daughter OW ',it. S. IL Barrett, Esq.
.1t Soherion, thuds, 1'. 10-tines, Esq., sou or the tate .1,Imira1 Rainier, h., .11.Yritn.v, dauglitar of Colonel Newhouse, lat. 51%, At Wortiolit. Salop, JIIIIN 3 MI.'S, Esq., of Newnham, Olinafestershire, to t'llARLOTTE. II:1112114g or I u1.luiut WIII. 1'11110110y or Houghton Hall, and granthtitfee to the lale Lord Iiittnaird.
00 the 5t ult., the Bev. W salt T,o, Viear of Poydon, Essex, to CattotaNr.
elf1,•.1 .fail.:lit,fr of the Rea. Dr. (fie.fur,•tfial. Itfetor of: Coln- Ell Essex,
On It., 22,1 kill., II0V. &AP,: NEL,IN .1111Ii.NE, ui Twyrord, eltlest sou (Wit.: U.,. John Nehon, 11.•,•ter or Beeston and Little Dmilifon, Norfolk, to Nt !MY.
ihijol ii :ICcE ti Ihntjamin Fratea, Esq., of Iligh-lionse. Liteliam.
011 the .111i lilt., at Constantinople, Sinym. \l'Orryon, Esq., 3I.D., l'hy4eion to
Nlah,tv's End - at that phofe, to IlwatitiNk: Sesuisutueaxu Eeuusuyr,re, OE 06110 lalC Trieoa, id Smyrna. 0! „, at 1 New Church, Tnov. is AfritIff1s, Esq., to Mdlle, FELT- CITE, 4),IIV daughter of the lat. !fr. :1:11iout. Monody or Totne2re, Bourgogne.
the' 2:td ult., at Alf.estaii. War, iel.shire, the Rey. Fi.out:Nct: .1.1NILS WETHERED,
MA., vellum or Kin.s l'airdiri.h,e, and Vicar of Hurley, Barks, to Es-nosn EI.,.,:x, daughter or ihe Iii, tt. II, reel, et Avon Cliff, Ake:ton.
O 1 the 2711, tilt., at Mongewell, Oxrordshire, in her 78th year, envni,or:E, Widow Ili. Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, of Lydney Park, Glonce,t,,f.fitire, ant, sister or Viseoloit Out the 234 tilt., at his seat at Davestown, Ireland, General the Iton. Ronan, 'rivran, lit tuiC7on, year.
Co the ldth nt his eottige in Richmond Park, Wm. O.
GelicEal ill I1113 court or t'lla,.ffery, one of the sons of the late yenerable Lord Chief Ifyininissiyner oftbe Jury Court, At Smeklioltn, Ilaron AXEL 0%Es-iron:Ns, Moto...de-Comp to the King of Sweden, in hi:: 31th year.
Go 00: 17tli till., at bis town re:idemy, 111,11°111.ns, Edinburgh. in his 81st year, the lb.v. A1,1,114 %1:I ALISON, LLB., PrvIII.1111,1Ey Reetor Ihnlington, Vicar of
I ligit Eir;11, (Ir St. 1.:111IS Chapel, Edinburgh. On the 2011 ult., at Si, Johit, Wool, Regent's Park, in his 7701 year, 1st Itonn.r- , lir Royal Soeiely, 'mil ono of the 1.11,1.fr Brethren of the 'Prinily Ihmse.
At Whit weft, IIinds, Mr. El, foxos, in his 10-1111 year. His hair, which was quite gray, had 111,1y chat., it t' nearly Mack. At. SRA, foril,. war \Irs. SC,AN Bto.ry, in lime Ilt1111 year. Sloe expired in the :trios of her elder sf.aer, s lio at the age of 97, was al,hf to attend the faunal. Riven mile, from c..ttage, it pfust or whielt t-he walked, • sans i% or's ehlest ohm:doter, tinsel,' a great •glaiohnother, v.-a: also present.
At Caltock, Devon, Tuolavax, reliet of Mr. IL liowlf:1, in her 981.11 year, She has
hall 21 children. and len 80 emu,' tnl grefit-grandeliildr,a, ; enloyed gooft health, :ma the us.,. or all her If...tittles to the la.1 , and hut two ear, situ, voile a tfingle horse to Dartmoor and I faeli , iS miles, in inte day.
At Mrs, 11,11.m AS, mother oa• Mr. I lithium, the bliud traveller, in her 32ul _ 5 ear.
DIV ISII)N ON THE SPEAKEltS1111)-11 iv 27, 1839.
The usual I,iberal majority—for Mr. Shaw Lefevre—roustered, 319
The usual Coloservotivc minority—for 31r. (loullourn—inclonling .301
Tellers, mustered