1 JUNE 1839, Page 11


,..ArtIved—In the Channel, Lord Iloneerford, Sandhurst, from Bengal; Euplirntes, num. From Chinn; Atlns Hunt ; and Meg Merriles, Skinner, from Mauritius. At I. May 2601, Argyle, M'Donald, from Bombay; 30th, Putriot Queen, Hood. ta China. At St. Helena, April 1st, Queen 'Victoria, Hough, from the Cape; 3,1, Jupiter, Ramsay, from It taltay; .1th, Afary Ann, Tarhelt, from ".1tailras; 6th Westminster, Mollison; mid .ry, Nt'Atiley. front Chian. At Batavia, Mercury,

Bong. from the Clyde ; Ibmwti, from T.ondin. At Van Diontett's Land, Demi-11h. Wishart, trot ondon ; 15th, North Briton, l'yall. front Leith; ltith,

Iterwetit. Riddle 21st, Emu. I ,,,,woorol; 223, t.initei, 'Roach; alIll 211, Arabian,

Cain, From latinlon. At Nev.- Wales, 611t, Pairlie, Agar, from London. Sailed-- From Gravesend, Miv 2511i, ifarold, for Bombay.