Zopf und Schwert, von Karl Gutzkow. With a Biographical and
Historical Introduction, English Notes, and Index, by H. J. Wolsten- holme. (" Pitt Press" Series.)—" In drawing up the notes" to this really admirable edition of a good modern German ploy the editor says that his "chief aim has been not to help the cursory reader or the candidate for an examination over, or round, the difficulty of particular passages, but rather to put the student in a position to work out for himself and understand in the original, apart from any English rendering, both the passage before him, and any similar passage he may afterwards meet." This endeavour will not have failed for want of thoroughness or insight on Mr. Wolstenholme's part. On the particles especially his remarks are in the style of the best classical editing, clear, adequate, and at the same time stimula- tive of further thought in the reader. In a second edition the intro- duction, good as it is, and the arguments prefixed to each act, might with advantage be somewhat shortened.