From Infancy to Womanhood. By Rhoda E. Wright. (Sampson Low
and Co.)—Mrs. Wright, who describes her volume as a "book of instruction for young mothers," connects together by a slight string of narrative a number of precepts relating to the management of children, their "nurture and admonition," and welfare in things con- cerning body and soul. She does not fail to enforce these precepts with apposite examples of a tragical kind, showing what disaster may follow from their neglect. Rose, the mother of the story, learns to rule herself, and so to rule her child. She is "mistress of herself, though china, fall," as we learn from p. 64, and she is rewarded with a child who is worthy of her. Mn. Wright calls things by their proper names, and speaks occasionally with a frankness which may possibly, though we cannot say that it ought to, displease. But she writes, it is evident, from full conviction and from experience, an experience which, as we gather from some pathetic words on p. 86, has had its share of sorrow.