Sm,—If Mr. Wansey Bayly's suggestion of twice-daily war news bulletins be adopted it is to be feared that many busy persons will have few chances of hearing any news at all. These broadcasts are obviously timed so that everyone, no matter what the exigencies of his or her work, may have an opportunity of hearing the latest news. Some can listen at this hour, some at that and not otherwise. If this be so, it is plain that a good deal of repetition cannot be avoided. Persons who pass the greater part of their time at home or are so circumstanced that they can listen when they choose, owe it both to themselves and to others to exercise a little self-discipline if they find that the effect of repetition is depressing. They have the remedy in their own hands. If they are unable to exercise this simple discipline, that is no reason why others with scantier opportunities for recourse to their radio sets should be deprived of reasonable facilities for learning the progress of the war or the many important announcements which it is essential for them to hear.—Yours faith-