Toxic 3 vols. (Samuel Tinsley.)—Writers of novels must really take
it to heart that it is only for a brief, alas ! a too brief, period of life that one can stand three volumes wholly occupied with love-making. Critics, too, of a sober age even income incredulous about such con- quering personages as our author's heroine. Happily for the peace of mankind, these marvellous creatures, whose looks have the power, with a difference, of a Medusa's head, do not come within ordinary experience. Nevertheless, it being once allowed that love is the business of life, and that there are beings whose fascinations no one can resist, 7'oxie is a fairly successful book. Anyhow, it is written in good English. The personages talk like human beings, and leave a general impression of being possible creatures, and the book is quite unobjectionable.