Minutes of the Sessions of the Westminster Assembly of Divines:
No- vember, 1644, to March, 1649. Edited by the Rev. A. F. Mitchell and the Rev. J. Struthers. (Blackwood.)—This volume is edited from transcripts of the original minutes, preserved in the library of the British Museum. It has been done for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, which is performing an obvious duty in thug ren- dering accessible records with which its own history and present con- stitution are so closely connected. The biographical notices of the divines who took part in the debates, which it was intended to include in this volume, are to follow in a second, and will have an interest which this necessarily wants. A large majority of the names whieh occur are absolutely unknown to the reader. The constantly-recurring notice that Mr. A. got and Mr. B. was refused his certificate would often be very interesting, if we could get some notion about Mr. A. and Mr. B. This, as we have said, is to come. Meanwhile we have to. acknowledge a contribution of no inconsiderable value to the materials for history.