18 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 13


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Ems/No.—Three per Cents, closed on Saturday, after a very dull day, at 821 1 for tho Account ; Exchequer Bills at 8s. to 9s. There was a heavy sale of Consols on Monday-109,000L, and the price in consequence fell to 824; at the close of the Market, a further, but very slight depression, was announced. The official announcement by the Customhouse, that clean bills of health would no longer be issued to vessels leaving tho port of London, in consequence of the reported exist- ence of some cases of Cholera at Limehouse, excited on Tuesday morning a feeling

• of indignation among the merehants, and more especially those employed in foreign trade, which is yet unabated. The abiding opinion is, that the evidence on which the Medical Board have founded, is any thing but satisfactory and the quarantine which 'is anticipated, will, it is supposed, inflict a fatal blow on the commerce of the metro- polis, which has long been staggering under the competition of Liverpool and other great emporiums. On this point we think t he merchants are mistaken ; for we have no doubt that in a fortnight Liverpool will be included in the quarantine. The moneyed men are already beginning to be careful of their gold in expectation of

• the drain which the suspension of business may be expected to produce. The Times men- tions a curious fact connected with this cola ractieu—a merchant who meant to ship a -quantity of silver for the Continent, latt who has been deterred by the fear of quarantine, applied to the Bank for an advance of notes upon it, and was refused ! It is said tint, by a mutual agreement between France and England, no longer quarantine than three days will be required. If the disinfecting provess of Mr. Henry were used for the goods, and the men only subjected to quarantine, even this short period might he abridged. It might be still further abridged, were the plan we have pointed out elsewhere acted upon, and the time spermd which is now wasted hi sailing to and from the guarani hie ground.

Consols maintain their price: they close this evening at 821 to ;,` ; Exchequer Bills are without alteration.

In Foreign Funds, nothing is doing, except in Greek. which, in consequence of the rumoured settlement of that country, have advanced to 254 and 261.


.3 per Cent. Consols 824 1 Columbian 11 12