18 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 12


Mr. Marshall is about to publish a volume, small in bulk, but, like his other works, great in substance, which, from the leading topic touched upon in it, he calls the Mortality of the Metropolis. We have been favoured with a copy of the proof-sheets; and, in our article on Cholera, have drawn pretty freely upon the important information they contain. The part of the work to which we have had recourse more immediately, consists of a complete mid correct copy of the Deaths within the Bills of Mortality, since the institution of the parish re- turns, in 1629, to the present day. It is at this moment a document of very curious interest. Besides these, the volume contains, in a series of tables, one of the most minute and accurate exhibitions of the parish statistics of the Metropolis ever collected. There are also some im- portant tables respecting the statistics of the Duchy of Lancaster, the West Riding of York, and various other matters, we will not say "which are too tedious to mention," but rather, "which cannot be enumerated within the limits of this notice."

We annex a little table, composed from the returns of the parishes within the Bills. • It contains the averages of the population calculated on the data given by Mr. Rickman in the Population Returns, and com- pared with this the averages of the entire deaths during childhood, and also the entire deaths from a few of the more prevalent disorders during the first three decades of years of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- turies. The extraordinary decrease of deaths in childhood, speaks highly for the increasing salubrity of the Metropolis, and for the more enlightened treatment of infants. The decided increase of Measle cases since the introduction of vaccination, is also curious—not the less so that the fact has been sometimes doubted.

ret-itat, Population. Total Di.ra: of Pninlmn: Orop,y. Form Smallpox. 31c1,1,.


3700 to 1710 ,

. 330,000 ... ... 7145 .. 3,044 ... 1,014


2;437 3710 10 17311 .. 350,000 ... 9,152 ... 750 ..

3,554 ... 2,019 ... 109 . • . 9,003

1720 to 17:W .. 3F3,000 _10,301 . .. 3,933 ... 2,95 ... 1.13 ... 3,313

1000 1.■10' ..

0,74,000 . 5,497 ... 590 .. 1.777 ... 1,37-1 . 514 . 4.119 1510 10590 • . 707.000 ... 5,692 ... 790 .. 1.069 1-193 . 702 ... 4.515

1520 1,,' 1s30 7.O.),QUO

142 .. 9:23 ...

713 ...