The London Review. No. I. April, 1835 Similtin and Marshall. ii mow, rho English in India ; and other Sketches. By a Traveller. In 2 vols.
Longman and Co.
Tales of the Wars of Montrose. By James Hogg, Esq. Author The Queen's
%% eke." In it vois Cochrane aka PaCTS V. Melanie, and other Poems. By N. P. Willis. Edited by Barry Cornwall,
&meters oil Oliy.
Journal of an F.xeursion to the United States and Canada, in the Year MI: with. Hints to Emigrants, itml a fair anal impartial Exposition of the Athantages and Disadvantages attending Emigration. By a Citizen or Edinburgh. Simpkis ond Mars/nail; ilockrAm, Ec.7a.