Finally, the writer in the Dispatch states that how long
the Prime Minister will be able to stand the strain is a matter of continual speculation. We hope our readers will not think we are indulging in another fad if we ask how long the country is going to endure the strain of a Press of this sort. Such stuff needs a -pillory rather than a comment. We may point out, however , the impudence of the Weekly Dispatch—part of the Northcliffe chain of the Times and Daily Mail for the morning, the Evening News for the evening, and the Meekly Dispatch (" the best of the batch " as we are so constantly told) for Sunday reading—in declaring that Lord Kitchener was the creation of tho late Mr. G. W. Steevens, who was above all things a Daily Mail man. He made Lord Kitchener the hero of the Harmsworth Press, and it was through the instrumentality of that Press that Lord Kitchener was appointed Secretary of State for War at the beginning of hostilities. It is arguable that the appointment was not a wise one, but what are we to say of those who, having placed Lord Kitchener at the War Office, make his presence there one of the chief accusations against what they term " the old gang " ?