17 MARCH 1917, Page 22

(nitres Poiligues de Jean de Lingendes. Edited by E. T.

Griffiths. (Manchester University Press. 63. net.)—Jean de Lingendes was a Bourbonnais poet who died young. in 1616 and left a considerable baggage of pleasant pastoral verse, his most ambitious work being "Les Changemens de In Bergere Ids" in six-line stanzas of 1605, which passed through eight editions and is still read in France. Mr. Griffiths has edited the poet's works in a very scholarly fashion, and prefixes a literary and bibliographical introduction, written in French. It is a testimony to the importance of the John Rylands Library, Man- chester, that it should contain a unique copy of a poem by Honore d'Urfe which helps to establish the connexion between hint and his provincial fellow-poet and admirer. And the Manchester University is to be commended for giving such practical proof of its eagerness to promote the study of French literature in England.