17 MARCH 1917, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR Or THE " Sync-arcs.")

SIR,—It may be of interest to some of your readers who have gardens, and who are in want of seed potatoes, to hear of a plan which I have practised for some time. Every potato which corns. into the house has one eye cut out before it comes in. The eye is put in a wooden tray in leaf-mould sufficient to cover it. When it sprouts it can be planted in the usual way, about the beginning of April. As this house has been used for some time as a Home of Rest for War Nurses, there is a large consumption of potatoes, but it is satisfactory to think that each potato consumed has a chance of producing six others. The surplus of sprouting potato-s can be given to those who can grow them.—I am, Sir, &c.,

[Lord Desborough's plan is an excellent piece of thrift. It is a case of eating your potato and having it also as seed. We can only add : May his example be widely followed !—ED. Spectator.]