17 JULY 1847, Page 11



The English Stock Market has been more buoyant during the last few days than for some time; and the advance in the price of Consols since our last report has been 1 per cent, the closing quotation being nearly the highest of the day. This rise is principally to be attributed to the difficulty experienced by the specu- lators for the fall of providing Stock to complete thew contracts; almost all the floating Stock having been absorbed by the investments for money. On Monday, and for some previous days, the " continuation," or premium paid by the specula- tor who had bought more Stock than he could pay for, was from 7-16 to * per cent; but as the settlement of -the Account, which occurred today, approached, the demand for Stock for immediate delivery caused a diminution in the amount of this premium, and it has today been as low as and 5-16 per cent. The price of Consols has, as before stated, improved continually during the week; and from 88* on Monday, the quotation for money has reached 89*, closing at 89*; while for the August Account the last price was 89* 1. The upward ten- dency of the market has today been materially increased by one of the large Joint Stock Banks having taken and paid for 300,0001. Three per Cent Consols, which it was anticipated would still have been left upon the market by the esta blishment in question continuing till the next account the loan which bad been

raised upon the security of the Stock in May. The premium of Exchequer Bills is without material change. There is no appearance of any superabundance of money in the commercial world; the rate of discount being from S to 5, and in some cases 6 per cent. In the Foreign Market, some rather large transactions have occurred in Spanish

Stock, induced by the announcement of a proposal for the conversion of the whole existing Active Debt into Three per Cent Stock, for the punctual payment of the dividends upon which certain' sources of revenue were to be assigned. This pro- posal involves a surrender by the holders of Active Stock of 15 per cent of the 135 per cent of the nominal capital of that Stock, arising from the 100 principal. and 35 per cent of over-due dividend. The Spanish Government, in considera- tion of its being allowed to apply such 15 per cent to its own exigencies' either by selling it in the market in its present form or after its conversion intoThree per Cent Stock, are to permit the conversion of the remaining 120 per cent into Three per Cent Stock, as before stated. A meeting of the Committee of Bond- holders was held yesterday, to consider the proposition; but as it appeared that Mr. Henderson, who had arrivedfrom Madrid with the proposal, was not sufficiently authorized by the Government to make the proposition in question, or any other, the whole matter hits fallen _to the ground, and the market has re- sumed its usual state of torpor. The mistake has been a very unfortunate one for some parties; as Three per Cent Spanish Stock, which had previously been 34, fell immediately to 31; while the Active Stock rose from 21 to 28; and many sacrifices were made in exchanging.. Three per Cents for Active, by selling the former at the low quotation and buying the latter at the high one. Active Stock has since fallen back to 21*; and the Three per Cents have but slightly improved. The other Foreign Funds are without change. Money is more in demand by way of loan upon this class of security; sad at the settlement -.yesterday the rata varied from 5 to 7 per cent; while upon Foreign Shares it in some instances ranged as high as 10 per cent.

In the Railway Share Market the transactions have not been of a very import-

ant character, and the tendency has been downwards. A feeling prevails among several parties in the Stock Exchange who have paid great attention to the sub- ject, that the dividends upon some of the more important lines will suffer a dimi- nution when the usual half-yearly period arrives for declaring them. This belief is based upon the fact, that though the tolls for the current half-year have in all cases exceeded those of the corresponding period of last year, the increased inte- rest upon the bond debts' and the expenses of working many of the smaller and collateral lines leased by the larger ones, will more than absorb the apparent sur- plus produced by ;successful traffic. litroanse., TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending 10th instant ex-

hibit when compared with the last return the following instances of increase and decrease. Increase—in the deposits (not public), 1,837,009L; in the rest, 62,0831, Decrease—public deposits, 4,493,6051.-' Government securities, 170,0461. ; other securities, 2,001,093/.; unemployed notes, 826,9001 and bullion, 310,1991.: the total amount of Million in store being now 10,086;4751. It must be remem- bered that a large portion of the deficiencies in this amount arise from the payment of the dividends; and it will be impossible to make a fair estimate of the position of the establishment until the accounts of the next and follow- ing weeks be furnished ; by which time the disturbing cause above noticed will have ceased. The English Stock Market is heavy; and as there was trotearstwhiso aretiscinupptoosesdeltlo actkfor before the cco4lirtnaelistsulcoent oted.)uwth the first price of Consols for Account was 89*, after being at 89, it is now 89 e. For Money the opening price was 889, and is now 881j. No change or busi- ness in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are heavy at yesterday's prices; and we can as yet only record the following bargains: Eastern Counties, 20i *; Great Western, Half-shares, 71*; York and Newcastle, Preference, 42i.


The English Stock Market is rather firmer; Consols for Money closing at 881 9, while for Account the price is 89* 1. The business of the morning has been very trifling; the attention of the brokers and jobbers being chiefly taken up by the receipt and payment of the differences arising out of the Consol Account yesterday. From the character of the operations alluded to in our morning's report, it was surmised that a decline of importance had occurred in the French Funds yesterday, and that a special express had been received with such intelli- gence. Nothing has as yet transpired upon this subject; and as sevelal parties who receive expresses when any circumstance of importance occurs in Paris as e without any intelligence, it may fairly be concluded that nothing of moment has occurred. The Foreign Funds are the same. The character of the Railway Market is unchanged. We can only record the following in addition to the bar- gains given in our morniag'sBirmingham and Oxford Junction, 18*; Eastern Counties, 201 *; Ditto,"§:ktextension, 61; Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 30i 1; Great North of England, 236; Lancaster and Carlisle, 67841; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 554 4; London and North-western, 1 ; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B., 70; London and South-western, 674; Newcastle and Berwick, 294 4; Norfolk, 1245; Luxembourg, li ; Northern of France, 125 4; Paris and Lyons, 44.

Proprietors' Capital £ 14,5551,000

Melt 3,531,531 Public Deposits* 5,245,017 Other Deposits 9,303,323 Seven Day and other Bill, 841,388 £33,406,277 £33,498,277

• Including Exchequer, Sayings Banks,Commisslonersof NationaiDebt & Dividend Accounts.

3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long AnnulUes Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4/ per Cents Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent Chillan Spar Cents

881 9 891 f 891 I 911 1

9 1-16 196 9 14 pm. — 835 93 5 36 8 91 3 Danish Spar Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents.. .1846 New Grenada Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 Peruvian Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Gents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 84 6 571 1 90j 19 1 191 20 30 2 35 7 110 112 211 2 311 2 38 40


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Saturday the 10th day of July 1847.


£23,304,805 Government Debt 311,015,100

Other Securities 2.944.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 7,903,983

Silver Bullion 1,398,842

£23,301,803 £23,201,505 BANKING DEPARTMENT.

Notesissued •

Government Securities, (in- cluding Dead WeightAnnuity)£11,838.340 Other Securities 18,747,037 Notes 4331.330

Gold and Silver Coln 781,570