17 APRIL 1847, Page 19


Tuesday, April 13.


Harris and Banks, Wolverhampton, maltsters-Worthington and Birmingham, Dover, hotel-keepers -Gibbs and Clark, Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell, tea-urn-manufac. turers-L'Enfant and Bragg, High Holborn, lithographic-printers-W. and C. Russell, Leamington Priors, attomies-Phillips and Slack, Chippenham, attornies-Crowther and Hirst, Huddersfield, cloth-dressers-Birtwistle and Ashworth, Bury, Lancashire. felling-millers-Lomas and Shimwell. Salford, worsted-spinners-T. and .J. Hunt, Ban- bury, brewers-Child and Son, Trinity Street, New/ngton, rectiOers-Glover and CO. Liverpool, dyers-Rowell and Richardson, Hartlepool, timber-merchants--Creed and Miner, Bury St. Edmund's, surgeons-Maltby and CatLow, Bradford, Yorkshire, paint- ers-Rooke and Mead, Canterbury, grocers-Allen and Co. Haworth, Durham, alkali- manufacturers-T. and E. Stiles, (now E. Palmer,) Queen Street, Finsbury, bead. manufacturers-Starkle and Jones. Liverpool, ship-brokers-Blertumpfel and Clark, Albany Street, Regent's Park, pevrterers-Barsitam and Cooper, Ixworth, Suffolk, apothecarles-Evans and Martin, Rod Lion Place, West Smithfield, provision-mar- chants-Holtham and Cooke, Gloucester, grocers-Lilley and Bothwell, Tottiugton Lower End, Lancashire, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards T. Lilley-Pierce and Rothe Jermyn Street, St. James's, ireumongers-T. and S. Kirk, Staleybridge, Cheshire, cotton-spinners.


BELL, MART ELIZABETH, Finch Lane, newsvender, to surrender April 23, June 1: solicitor, Mr. Johnson, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

DENmAN, THOMAS, Quadrant, stone-mason, April 20, June 5: solicitors, Menne. Lewis and Lewis, Ely Place ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court, DIcESON, Reimer., Poulton-on-the-Fylde, Lancashire, maitster, April 27, May 25: solicitors, Mr. Appleby, Harper Street ; Mr. Liddell, Poulton-on-the-Pylde; Mr. Thompson, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. BUNNicLIPF, Jour; DEARMAN, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, April 23, May21 : solicitor, Mr. Ceram, Nottingham; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham. FACET, Herm Hitt, Exeter, builder, April 29, May 19: solicitors, Messrs. Coode and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Fulford, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Ilirtzel, Exeter. KNIGHT, WILLIAM, Reading, wine-merchant, April 20, May IS: solicitors, Mr. Holmes, Great James Street, Bedford 110w; Mr. Clarke, Beading; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. PwrrET, EDWARD, and NEWTON, WILLIAM, Lancaster Place, navy-agents, April 22; May 20 : solicitor, Mr. Coote, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall St. ROGElts, EDWARD, Liverpool. victualler, April 27, May 25: &Welters, Messrs. John- son and Co. Temple; Mr. Dewhurst, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. SMITH, RICHARD, Kenn, Devonshire, butcher, April 21, May 18: solicitors, Mr. COW- lard, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzell, Exeter. STEWART, CHARLES, Little St. James's Street, builder, April 23, May 28. solicitor, Mr. Angell, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Guildhall Chambers. TIBEET, EDWARD, Frith Street, diamond-merchant, April 20, June 3: solicitor, Mr. Teague, Crown Court. Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. FURLONG, PETER, Liverpool, merchant, April 27, May 14: solicitors. Messrs Corn. thwaite and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee.

Mr. Morgan, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS. May 4, Cooke, Greenwich, stone-mason-May 4, Burt. Lisson Grove, lodging house- keeper-May 4, Morris, Curtain Road, cabinet-maker-May 5, Wood, Compton Street, Soho, musical-instrument.maker-May 5. Andrew and Balla, compten Street, Clerken. well, iron-w arehousernen-May 5, Harris, Winchester Place, Southwark, hat-mana. facturer-May 6, White, Reading, Miler-May 6, L. and C. H. Wood, Willow Walk, Bermondsey, carpenters-May 6, Candler, Stanmere, ironmonger-May 6, Stirton, Chandos Street, Covent Garden, grocer-May 7, Bullets, Liverpool, brewer- May 5, Halliwell, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer-April 16, Birchen, MaDebeeter, share. broker-May 7, Lees, Manchester, cotton-spinner-May 7, Stephenson, Coins, Lance. shire, worsted-manufacturer-May 7, Aspinall, Manchester, eOttoll-InanufactUlar.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, oaths day of meeting.

May 6, Eades, Merton; Surrey, auctioneer-May 4, Bourquin, Northampton Square, watch-manufacturer-May 6, Toms, Iffingerford, Berkshire, brewer-May 5, Greig and Rawlings, Maiden Lane, King's Cross, timber-merchants-May 6, ShIpton and Jenkins, Painswick, Gloucestershire. clothiers-May 6, Slyer, Leeds, baker-May 6, Sloane, Bath, horse-dealer-May 6, Aspinall, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer.

To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 4.

Crisp, Wellington Street, printer-Titley, High Street, Southwark, woollendraper- Vaughan, Bristol, bailder-Luntley, Bread Street H111, druggist- Bailey, Wolverhamp- ton. printer-Ashby, Bishop's Stortford, tailor -Graham, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street, merchant-Elliot, Liverpool, agricultural-instrument-maker-Ellis, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, cloth-merchant.


Hobhouse and Co. Bath, bankers ; fourth div. of 4d. to those creditors whose names commence with A, B, or C, April 19, D, E, jr, or G, April 29, H, 1, J, K, or L, April 21, 3f, N, 0, P, Q„ or B, April 22, S, T, II, V, W, and Z, April 23, and also in the same alphabetical order, on the following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, or any Wednesday after the 1st of May: Mr. Mundy, Bath-Leonard, Chelten- ham, ironmonger ; first dlv. of 2s. 11/1. April 14, or any subsequent Wednesday, after the let of May ; Mr. Miller, Bristol-Lewis, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, laceman ; first div. of Is. April 17, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Browning, Bristol, upholsterer ; first div. of 33. Cal. April 14, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Hutton, BrIstol-Adamson, Stockport, grocer ; final dlv. of 35. 3d. April 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester.


BUCHANAN, M., Glasgow, miller, April 15, May 6.

101.1117RN, JOSEPH, Glasgow, vrright, April 19, May 10.


Huesca and Nunneley, Burton-upon-Trent, brewers-Nevins and Lawton, 3fanches- ter, surveyors-Vine and Langley, Liverpool, linendrapers-Contencln and Clark, Pan- cras Lane, Cheapalde, lithographic-printers-Green and Whittaker, &Mord, brewers- Blake and King, Junction Terrace, Edgeware Road, dressmakers-Bates and Co. Leeds, share-brokers-Lane and Wilcox, Gracechurch Street, merchants-J. and D. Camp, Waltham Cross, carpenters-Chnver and Brown, New Burlington Street, Westminster, apothecaries-Williamson and Co. Stockport, hat-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Galan-Hitchcock and Co. St. Thomas the Apostle, Devonshire, woollen-manufac- turers; as far as regards F. AL Hitchcock-Burton and Smallileld, Leicestershire, pro- prietors of the "Leicestershire Mercury"-James and Wadhans, Queen Street, Cheap- aide, stationers -Pashiey and MMus, BirMingliam, builders-Bruce and Wyld, Far- ringdon Street, printers-Mills and Chevaise, Sedgley, Staffordshire, colliers-Allen and Co. Heworth, Durham, alkalimanufacturers-Stephen and IlutchinS0n, Fundy:Ws Inn, attornies -Rodger and Douglas, Greenock, drapers-Baine and Johnson, Greenock, merchants, and Seine and Co. Newfoundland, merchants.

BASIERUPTCT ANNULLED.-DAvni, J., Wedmore, Somersetshire,


BATTEBSNY, ALEXANDER WHITE. Liverpool, joiner, to surrender April 27, May 14: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Co. Staple inn; Mr. Tyrer, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

BERRYMAN, GEORGE, Staines, victualer, April 27, June 1: solicitors, Mr. Stronghill, Coleman Street ; Mr. Etchings, Staines; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Btamma, HENRY, Lamb's Conduct Street, poulterer, April 23, June 1: solicitor, Mr. Oldknow, Chapel Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.

Eu.is, JOHN, Bristol, ale-merchant, April 29, May 27: solicitors, Mr. Bishop, Lin- Cain's Inn Fields ; Mr. Henderson, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.

Eurrowe, CHARLES, Guildford, linendraper, May 3, June 7: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size lane ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

FEATHERSTONE, JOHN, Goole, butcher, April 27, May 18: solicitors, Messrs, William- BIM and Co. Great James Street; Mr. England, Howden ; Messrs. Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.

GUMMI, FRANCIS WILLIAM, East Road, City Road, Iron-founder, April 29, June 7: so- licitor, Mr. Adam, George Street, Manslonhouse ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.

HEARD, Davin, sen., Barking, carpenter, April 22, May 27: solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Baainghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

HERBERT, THomas, and Co. Brynmaur, Breconshire, grocers, April 30, June 1: soli- citor, Mr. Leman, Bristol ; official as-ignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. Honoxiss, HENRY, Birmingham, shoemaker, April 27, May IS: solicitor, Mr. Hodg- a0n, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. Krocarr, Harley, Reading, brewer, April 28,, May 28: solicitors, Mr. Holmes, Great James Street ; Mr. Clarke, Reading; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, BirchIn Lane. SECKELL, MEYER ABRAHAM, and BANERMAN, HiLLERY JOHN, Duke Street, Abigate, watch-manufacturers, May 1, June 5: solicitor, Mr. Sydney, Liverpool Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. STACE, ROBERT A., Sandgate, Kent, upholsterer, April 23, May 23: solicitor, Mr. Waller junior, Finsbury Circus; Official Assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. SWORD, ROBERT, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper, April 26, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Chiaholme and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Earle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official =dance, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SYMMS, Joas DAVID, Axminster, corn-dealer, April 29, May 19: solicItors, Keddell Sad Co. Lime Street ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hernaman, Exeter. TEMPERLET, Nicaoffits, King William Street, coal-merchant, April 27, May KM- CUM, Mr. Henderson, Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields; official assignee, Mr. Whit-

More, Basinghall Street. DIVIDENDS.

May 7, Parnell, Blackfriars Road, clothier-May 10, Stone, Abingdon, grocer-May 10, Dyke, Homsey, Hampshire, innkeeper-May 10, Mows, Deptford, china-dealer-May 8, Proctor, Witham, Essex, wine-merchant-May 7, Cooper, Bury St. Edmund's, hard- Wareman-May 8, Gass, Colchester, draper-May 7, GaMmage and Mott, King Street, Seven Dials, cheesemongers-May 7, Pritchett and °ridge, Charlbary, Oxfordshire, glove-manufacturers--May 7, Beddington, Manchester, corn-dealer-May 7, Burns, Bhyl, Flintshire, draper-May 10, Maw, Birkenhead, builder-May 11, Smith, Liver- pooL victualler-May 7, HoMby, Hoylake, Cheshire, innkeeper-May 11, Wilkinson, 1liverston, wine-merchant-May 11, Catlett, Manchester, leather-dealer-May 13, T. and W. B. Lupton, Leeds, 11as-spinners-May 13, Iffingworth and Co. Bradford, worsted-spinners. CERTIFICATES.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Shy 10, Stone, Abingdon, grocer-May 11, Gonity, Stangate, Lambeth, mastmaker- May 7, Cook, Doraley, Gloucestershire, tailor-May 7, Bookless, Liverpool, ironfOander -May 12, Skinner, Burslem, Staffordshire, 'victualler. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 7.

Terry, Wych Streetactualler-Giles, Brighton, boardinghouse-keeper-Tweed, Cam- bridge, victualler-Bickerton, Castle Street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer-Rogers, Bromyard, Herefbrdstdre, scrivener-Mathews, Great Dover Road, Newington, glass- merchant -Smyrk, Lavine Grove, Wharf Road, balder-Clarke, Cheltenham, victualler.


Hobbouse and Co. Bath, bankers ; fourth dlv. of 4d. to those creditors whose names commence with A, B, or C, April 19 ; D, E, F, or G, April 20 ; H, I, J, K, or L, April 21; 31, 11,0,1', Q, or II, April 22 ; S, T, 1LJ, V, W, and Z, April 23; Mr. Mundy, Bath ; and also in the same alphabetical order, on the following Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day, Thursday, and Friday, or any Wednesday after the 1st May ; Mr. Miller, Bristol- Coles, Strand, tobacconist ; first dlv. of 9d. April 17, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Thompson, Brighton, grocer ; first div. of 38. April 17, and two subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Bradbury, Moor Lane, ironmongers; first dlv. of 14s. April 17, and three subsequent Satanlays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Bullen, Peterborough, tailor ; first div. of 4s. 4d. April 17, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Collins, Wood Street, Westminster, brewer ; first div. of Is. 2d. April 17, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Whitehead, Fleet Street, Water ; second city. of 2s. and first and second dlv. of 3s. 6d. on new proofs, April 17. and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Challen, Offiham, Hampshire, brewer; first city. of ls. April 17, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, OldJewry-Botcherby, Darllugton, coal-owner ; first div. of 24. 64. April 17, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakiey, Newcastle-upon- TYne-Roberts and Hughes, Deansgate, Lancashire, linendrapers ; final Lily. of Is. 24d. On the joint estate, and on the separate estate of J. Roberts first div. of 20$. April 20, and every subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, lianchester-Openshaw, Over Darwen, Cloth-manufacturer; first div. of 24. 9d. April 20, and every subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-Rogers, Bradford, dentist ; first div. of 24. 24. April 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds -Broadbent, Delph, Yorkshire, woollen-manu- facturer; first div. of 7d. April 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds- Brett, Salisby, Lincolnshire, grocer ; first div. of 23. 64. April 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Kynaston, Hull-Aeraman and CO. Bristol, ahip.builders ; first div. of 2s. 64. April 21, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Hutton, Bristol.


FARQUHAR, T., Glasgow, shawl-manufacturer, April 23, May 14.

MACLAINE, M., Lochbuy, Arglahlre, April 20, May

M'Coasusa, J., Crkff, =Water, April 21, May 12,