ARIUS ED—At Gravesend, 11th April, City of Derry, Were ; and Malacca, Sbettler, from China ; and 15th, Royal Albert, Balderston, from Manila ; and Agincourt, Neatby, from Madras. At Portsmouth, 14th, Berkshire, White, from Sydney. At Bristol, I ith, Borderer, Willis, from China. At Liverpool, 9th, Eleanor Russell, Jefferson, from China ; and Robert Pulsford, Hoodiess, from Calcutta; 10th, Dumfries, Green, from China ; and 13th, Guisachan, Phillips, from Bombay. In the Clyde, 10th, Minerva, Brown, from Manila ; 11th, Fleetwood. Richardson ; and Janet Boyd, Lindsay, from Mauritius. At Cork, 9th, Meg Merrilles, Leckie, from Mauritius. At Leith, 13th, Ga- zelle, Robertson, from Mauritius. SAILED—From Gravesend, 9th April, Stratheden, Burton, for China; 10th, Royal Albert, Scanlan ; and Somnauth, Skinner, for Bombay ; and City of Poonah, Nelson, for Madras ; 13th, Scindian, Campbell, for Calcutta ; 14th, Josephine, Smith, for Syd- ney ; Margaret West, Bauer, for Batavia ; and Cambria, Shaddiek, for Ceylon.
MutivEn—In the Downs, 16th April, Nova Zembla, Heykoop ; Arts, Safstrom ; and Zeepard,—; from Batavia. At Liverpool, 15th, Charlotte, Carter, from 3Iaurltlus.