Mel. B. Spurr. By Harry A. Spurr. (A. Brown and
Sons. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Melancthon Burton Spurr, after some years spent in the practice of the law, became a professional enter- tainer, and bad a successful career, cut short by his premature death in the September of last year. He was then in his fifty- third year. Mr. H. A. Spurr's contribution to the volume is not always in the best taste. He somewhat ungraciously complains of " lacking the assistance of many so-called friends' who should have helped me," and in acknowledging permissions to publish he takes the very unusual course of mentioning by name one gentleman who "declined to permit to be inserted under any conditions whatever." The autobiographical notices by Mr. M. Spurr are the best part of the book ; there are some curious reproductions of photographs which show that he had an unusual command of facial expression, always a great point in an entertainer. Some of his recitations are given. They might be great successes on the platform, but they are scarcely suited for the cold light of morning.