reserved for review in other firm.] . .
Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1904. (The Bible House, Queen Victoria Street. ls. net.)—The Society complains, we see, of a falling income. It must be remembered that last year was the Centenary, and that the receipts of 1902-3 may well have been affected by the approach of that date. Still, current controversies may have a disturbing effect. But if home support is diminished, the operations abroad show no decrease. It is well worth while to go through the reports of the work of the colporteurs, and other notices of the circulation of the Scriptures. Who can fail to be touched by the following?—"At a high school for girls near Paris, one of the teachers chanced to possess the Sermon on the Mount: when she showed it to her pupils, it produced such an effect upon them that they all copied it out with the utmost eagerness, and some learned it by heart." And here is a highly interesting notice. At Grenoble a Roman Catholic priest and Pastor Leopold Monod have joined to form a bond of prayer for unity among Christians. The only condition of membership is the promise to pray once a week for union- Jews are free to join on these terms.