Protection in Germany is producing its natural results upon the
food of the people. The import of cattle for the butchers is highly taxed to gratify the Agrarians, and the consequence has been a general rise in the price of meat by nearly 50 per cent., the average consumption of a family coating £1910s. a year, instead of £13 10s. Even the lower classes of officials are affected, and are petitioning the Govern- ment. The Agrarians, of course, adhere to their theory that such taxes are necessary if cattle-breeding is to continue; but the great cities are growing indignant, and the Socialists exult in new recruits. The Emperor has not yet pronounced his will; but it is believed that, although he needs the Agrarian vote, he will in the end decide to remodel treaties in accordance with the desire of the masses of the population. He can hardly ask for new taxes on beer and tobacco, which are necessary for the rapid increase of the Fleet, if meat, and even the better sorts of bread, are to be made so dear.