Evidence in proof of the failure of the ill-omened experi-
ment of importing Chinese labour into the Transvaal con- tinues steadily to accumulate. Thus the Pall Mall Gazette of Friday week, in an article beaded "Are Kaffir Values Too High ? " submits some striking facts and figures dealing with the profits and dividends of the Rand mines. The writer has taken the average expenses of various mines for the year preceding the use of Chinese, and contrasted them with the expenses for June last, when the coolies were in possession. The results show that in six mines—Durban Roodeport Deep, Geldenhuis Deep, Glen Deep, Nourse Deep, Rose Deep, and Jumpers Deep—all worked by Chinese, there has been a more or less serious increase in expenses, while in three mines worked by Kaffirs—Ferreira Deep, Crown Deep, and Langlaagte Deep—there has been an equally substantial decrease in the expenses.