16 APRIL 1831, Page 9

We noticed in the Postscript last week the slaughter (for

the accounts are so various, that we hesitate to call it- by any other name) of five miserable policemen, near Doolin, a wild and re- mote quarter in the county of Clare, Ving in the direction of Ennistimon. There are, as usual, half a dozen versions of the story. According to one, the policemen had fallen in with some men administering unlawful oaths, of whom they shot one and took one prisoner: and, being attacked while carrying him off, they first shot their prisoner while attempting to escape, then fired on the people until all their ammunition was expended, and finally, were themselves put to death with every accompaniment of barbarity. Another account says, the peasantry were employed in destroying, by cutting up, a pasture-field, when they were fired on by the

policemen ; the third, and most favourable to the people, says, they were peaceably and legally occupied in digging, with the con- sent of the owner, a field belonging to a Mr. EDWARD MORAN,

when the police attack was made. Of the death of the officers there are unfortunately no two accounts. The fight took place on Easter Monday ; and the bodies, frightfully disfigured, were con- veved to Ennis the following day ; four of the men were Catholics.

The state of Clare, where the misery and suffering of the people appear to have reached the ne plus ultra of human endurance, was alluded to in the House of Commons this week on Mr. O'Barsx's motion. The visit of the Marquis of ANGLESEY to the

county, it was alleged, Would tend to perpetuate the disturb-

ances, by holding out prospects of redress which were not to be realised ; and it was stated that the peasantry, who had previ- ously engaged to give up their guns to Mr. STEELE and the

Rev. Mr. LYNCH, had, after the Marquis's arrival, withdrawn their pledge. A better spirit seems, however, to have come over them. At a meeting which took place at Ennis on Saturday,

Mr. STEELE, in moving the appointment of a committee to con- sider the best means of alleviating the distress of the district,

stated, that he and his worthy coadjutor had been incessantly oc- cupied in getting their arms from the deluded "Terry Alts ;" and that he had no doubt, when the objects of the meeting were carried.

into effect, that tranquillity and order would be restored to the

county. It is not unworthy of notice, that the principal speaker at the meeting in question was ANDREW SLACKPOOLE, Esq. of Ennis ;

and that among the measures which, in addition to an alteration in the Vestry Act, the Tithe System, the Grand Jury Laws, were described by him as most likely to tranquillize Ireland, he mentioned

the throwing open of the close corporation of Ennis, of which he

is a member, under the Reform Bill. It is also worthy of remark, that of nineteen gentlemen of whom the committee consists, ten are

justices of the peace. The Vestry Act seems to excite a stronger feeling of indignation among the people than any other. At Car- rick-on-Suir, so forcibly has thisbeen felt by the Protestants, that they have agreed in future to repair the church by voluntary sub- scription. The Vestry of Quin, on the same clay, agreed to sub- scribe for the repairs of the Catholic chapels in the parish ; so that the repairs of all religious edifices should, in future, be mutually provided thr.

Lord ANGLESEY has everywhere met with the most gratifying marks of affection and respect. He was, when the last accounts were received, at Galway. He is extremely averse from strong measures, as they are called, unless a case of absolute necessity is made out ; and from the returning tranquillity in Clare, where it has been most disturbed, we sincerely hope no such case will be made out.