16 APRIL 1831, Page 13


WAR-OrrtcE, March 12.-13th Regt. of Light Dragoons: Lieut. T. E. Well*, from the 26th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Neville, who exchanges-3rd Regt. of Foot Guards : Ens. and Lieut. 13. B. 111'31ahon to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Hood, who retires; 0. J. H. Onslow, Gent, to be Ens. and Lieut. by purchase, vice 111`Malion-lst Regt. of Foot : Capt. C. C. Coote, from the 49th Foot, to be Capt. vice Pasley, who exchanges-3rd Foot: E. M. Clarke, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Ludbey, who resigns-13th Foot : Ens. H. Wade to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Chantbre, deceased-To be Ensigns: Ens. H. Thomas Hut- chins, from the 14th Foot, vice Spread, who exchanges; T. Sewell, Gent. vice White, whose appointment has not taken place ; G. King, Gent. vice Wade, prom oted -14th Foot : Ens. R. D. Spread, from the 13th Foot, to be Ens. vice Hutchins, who exchanges-16th Foot: to be Lieuts. without purchase: Ens. F. Fairtlough, %lee O'Dwyer, deceased; Ens. J. Bruce, vice Whitaker, who retires-To be Ensigns without purchase : Sir W. Ogilvie, Bart. vice Urquhart, deceased; W. R. L. Ben- nett, Gent. vice Bruce-26th Foot : Lieut. P. P. Neville, from the 13th Light Dra- goons, lobe Lieut. vice Welby, who exchanges-31st Foot: Ens. T. Pender to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Booth, deceased; P. '1'. R. White, Gent. lobe Ens. vice Pender-33rd Foot : Ens. 0. A. V. Graham to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pa- terson, promoted-35th Foot : Major G. Teulon to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Macdonald, who retires ; Capt. IL Semple to be Major by purchase, vice Teuton- 40th Foot: John Stewart Wood, Gent. to be Ens. without purchase, vice Alsop, deceased-41st Foot: Neut. Percival Browne to be Capt. vice Dawson, deceased- To be Lieutenants, without purchase : Ens. W. Morris, vice Boultbee, deceased; Ens. A. Fry, vice Smith, deceased ; Ens. W. May, vice Brown, promoted-To be Ensigns, without purchase : J. Lawrie, Gent. vice Morris ; G. Montizambertvp'ent. vice Fry ; R. Butler, Gent. vice May-To be Surgeon : Staff-Sing. A. Hamilton, M.D. from the half-pay, to be Sing. vice T. M. Perrutt, who exchanges-44th Foot; Lieut. W. B. Scott to be Capt. without purchase, vice Andrews, deceased-48th Foot : NV. G. White, Gent, lobe Ens, without purchase, vice Campbell, appointed to the 49th Foot-491h Foot : To be Captains: Capt. G. Pasley, from the 1st Foot, vice Coote, who exchanges ; Lieut. William Pitman, from the 89th Foot, with- out purchase, vice Leith, deceased-To be Lieutenants, without purchase : Ens. John Leslie Dennis, vice Fleming. deceased ; Ens. John Inalcolm, vice Mathew, deceased-To be Ensigns, without purchase : Ens. Colin Campbell, from the -18th Foot, vice Dennis ; Henry Rainey, Gent. vice Malcolm-57th Foot: Maj. H. R. Hartley to be Lient.-Col. by purchase, vice Shadforth, who retires ; Capt. P. Aubin to be Maj. by purchase, vice Hartley ; Lieut. T. shadforth to be Capt. by purchase, vice Aubin ; Ens. W. Tranter to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Shadforth-59th Foot : Gent. Cadet A. J. L. Peebles, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens, without purchase-60:h Foot : Capt. J. C. S. Slyfield to be Maj. by purchase, vice Macpherson, who retires ; Lieut. F. Marlton to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Slyfield ; Second Lieut. C. 0. Leman to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Marlton ; R. 13. Levett, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Leman- 61st Foot : Ens. H. Vicars to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Heyland, promoted ; C. F. Mayne, Gent, lobe Ens. by purchase,vice Vicars--65th Foot : QuartermasterJ. Elliott, from half-pay 43rd Foot, to be Quartermaster, vice Coleman, retired with a commutation allowance-82nd Foot: Capt. E. G. Stokes, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice C. 31ortimer, who exchanges-87th Foot: Assist.-Surg. J. Walsh, front the 89th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg.-90th Foot : B. G. F. Graham, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Hobart, who retires-2nd West India Regt.: R. Hunter, Gent. Memoranda—The Christian names of Ens. Elliot, of the 79th Foot, are Edmund James, and not Edmund John, as formerly slated. Capt. E. Powell, upon half-pay Unattached, has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an unattached commission. The appointment of Brevet Lieut.-Col. ft. Jones, from half-pay 1st Garrison Battalion, to be Major in the 69th Foot, as stated in the Gazette of the 5th instant, has not taken place.