DREADFUL FIRE.—About nine o'clock on Monday morning, a fire. broke
out in No. 53, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. The adjoining premises being separated by a wooden partition only, they were quickly burnt down ; and upwards of thirty individuals narrowly escaped with their lives. A subscription has been set on foot to supply these poor persons with furniture and wearing apparel, every article which they possessed having been destroyed. We refer the benevolent reader to an advertisement on the subject, in another page. FATAL CURE FoR JEALousy.—A female, residing in North Street, Paddington Street, who has been married only a month, not having the slightest suspicion but that she possessed the whole and sole affection of her devoted husband, unsuspiciously left her home, on Wednesday, to pursue her daily avocations. On her return, alas'. what did she behold, but her faithless husband enjoying the society of another female ! This "Unexpected circumstance for a moment petrified her, but her resolution was soon taken. Leaving the guilty pair, she proceeded to a chemist's, and purchased a small phial of vitriolic acid ; continuing her steps down High Street, she swallowed the contents of the phial. Presently her distressing screams attracted the attention of Mr. Howlett, the chemist, at the corner of Charles Street. Mr. Howlett, assisted by a policeman, humanely took her into his shop, and administered an antidote, that afforded the poor woman temporary relief; after which, he had her safely conducted to the Middlesex Hospital. She is still living, and there is every probable chance of her recovery.
Suicinns.—Mr. Macpherson, a woollendraper on Holborn Hill, shot himself on Monday evening. He died instantly, the contents of a brace of pistols having passed through his head. He had requested a friend to procure him 800/. as a loan ; and his friend had just informed him that the money was forthcoming, and was turning away, when Mr. Mac pherson put the pistols to his forehead and fired.
ATTEMPTED SVICIDE.—On Monday afternoon, an unfortunate man, who proved to be a lieutenant in the 5th Infantry, attempted to cut his throat, in Covent Garden. The wound was not deep ; but in conveying him to the Middlesex Ho:spital it was found necessary to tie his hands, to prevent him from tearing it open. DEATH BY Ditowxtwo.—On Sunday night, a Mr. Phillips, late pro- prietor of the London Hotel, Exeter, who happened to be on a visit at
Deptford, left his friends in an abrupt manner, and in a few hours afters wards was found in the Surry canal, near the Blackhorse bridge, in the Lower Road ; the hat and stick were deposited on the bank. Mr. Phillips had been robbed of some money a short time previous. The Jury, however, contented themselves with the safe verdict of " found drowned." .
DROWNING Dr A Wass.—On Saturday sem:light, a fine young girl, fifteen years of age, the daughter of' a respectable farmer, near Lang. aide, the theatre of " hapless Mary's" last stand, was drowned in a well close to her father's house.
BROUGHTON Suspension BRIDGE.—This bridge fell the other day, at the moment that a party of the 60th Rifles were passing over it. No lives were lost, but six of the soldiers received severe fractures, and about thirty others were severely cut and bruised. AccinEwr AT Iticnstown.—In firing a salute, 011 Wednesday, in honour of his Majesty's health,—which was at the moment drunk in the Castle Tavern, at a Court dinner, at which Mr. Powell, the Steward, presided,—by some unfortunate act of carelessness, a spark was commu- nicated to a cask, containing about 2511a ■f gunpowder. By the explo- sion, two of the watermen, who were engaged :a honouring royalty, were severely burnt, and one of them had his leg dreadfully fractored ; three others were also much injured. REFUGE FOR THE HOUSELESS AT Alrainewes—There have lately diced of fever out of this asylum, five persons, and there are about thirty sack there at present. The numerous wretched and destitute creatures rd- mitted to such a place, renders fever not only very apt to be generatair but also to he spread abroad.