15 NOVEMBER 1986, Page 28

Gay Christians

Sir: The writer of the piece on the Bishop of London (Profile, 25 October) is seemingly unaware of the fact that for many years the Gay Movement has had its HQ in St Botolph's Church in the Bishop's diocese. Finding GCM leaflets displayed in the entrance to the church, I asked Dr Leonard if he approved. He said he'd been to the church twice but not noticed them. On my suggestion he went a third time, found the leaflets, described them as 'dull in appearance and dull to read' and ex- plained that he had no legal power to have them removed. He seemed quite undis- turbed by the fact that homosexual be- haviour, unanimously condemned as sinful by Christian tradition, is being promoted in a church in his own diocese. Your writer thinks Dr Leonard is trying to avoid 'applying the principle with harshness'. To some of us it seems that he just does not apply it at all.

Bernard Smith

30 Clifton Road, Worthing, Sussex