15 JULY 1905, Page 25

ScuooL-Booxs.—In " Blackie's Latin Texts," Edited by W. H. D.

Rouse, Litt.D. (Blackie and Son), we have Eutropi Breviariwin, Edited by W. H. S. Jones, M.A. (8d. net). A few critical notes are given, and there is an index, and an introduc- tion more likely to be useful to the teacher than the pupil. We cannot profess much interest in Eutropius, though he certainly has the recommendation that he "presents instances of the main rules of Latin Syntax in their simplest form." The quantities are marked, but we do not know on what principle. Here are some specimens from p. 25 :—" decim5," "consulum," "integer minsit," " ingens," "popnlis." It seems to us that all the marks here are on syllables which it is impossible to mis- pronounce.—From the same publishers we have of English texts with notes H. W. Longfellow's Hiawatha, Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by P. T. Creswell, M.A. (1s.) The prefatory remarks on the poem are a valuable addition, and the notes contain much that is interesting.—In the ,series of " Blackie's Little French Classics" we have Jacomo ou le Brigand, par Alexandre Dumas, Edited by Norman Frazer, M.A. (6d.); Mateo Falcone, par Prosper Merimee, Edited by J. E. Michell, MA. (6d.) ; and Moliere's L'Avare, Edited by G. H. Clarke, MA. (10d.)—In " Blackie's Little German Classics" Sintram, by De La Motte-Fouque, Edited by Medina Pitt is (6d.)—We have also French Exercises, by H. G. Atkins, M.A. (1s.), to accompany "The Skeleton French Grammar."—Of an euelleut series of " Blaekie's English School Texts," Edited by W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.D., we have Tales from the Arabian Nights, Sindbad the Sailor, Charles Lamb's Adventures of Ulysses, Charles Kingsley's Heroes, and Early Voyages to Japan (8d. per vol.)—We have also received Elementary Experimental Science, by W. Mayhowe Heller, B.Sc., and Edwin G. Ingold (same publishers, 2s. 6d. net).